内容摘要: 清末民初,云南藏区各民族人口流动频繁,汉、回、白、纳西、彝等民族大量迁入境内,改变了这一区域的人口比例和民族成分。在动荡不安、各类冲突频发的社会情境中,各民族冲破族际壁垒,在族际共生关系的不断建构与调适中交流融合,共同推动了云南藏区农业、手工业、矿业和商业贸易的发展,并进一步发展巩固了族际共生关系的维系机制。 Abstract: In the late Qing dynasty and the early period of the Republic of China, there was a frequent multi-ethnic population flow in the Tibetan-inhabited area of Yunnan. With more Hans, Huis, Naxis, Yis and other minority members entering Yunnan, there was an obvious change in the composition of ethnic groups. Though there were various social conflicts, the ethnic groups established and adjusted their relations of inter-ethnic symbiosis with typical local features, which promoted the development of agriculture, handicraft, mineral industry and bushiness in this area. 关键词:清末民初;云南藏区;人口流动;族际共生; 中图分类号:C922 (责任编辑:admin) |