内容摘要: 在《福乐智慧》中有大量关于男女性别的语言描写,呈现出鲜明的对比特点,表现在褒贬上,就是对男性极尽褒扬,对女性则是极尽贬抑。从历史上看,这是从游牧文化过渡到农耕文化之后,维吾尔族在宗教信仰上接受伊斯兰教影响的结果。 Abstract:There are a great number of linguistic descriptions about the male and the female in Happiness and Wisdom, which have distinct contrastive characteristics. In terms of gender appraise, the male is greatly appraised at one extreme, and the female is greatly depreciated at the other extreme. From the perspective of history, this is an inevitable result after the Uyghur transited from the nomadic culture into the agricultural culture and accepted Islam in religion. 关键词:男性;女性;地位; 中图分类号:H215.4 (责任编辑:admin) |