![]() 朝戈金(国际哲学与人文科学理事会主席,中国社会科学院学部委员、民族文学研究所所长) 尊敬的列日副省长保罗·埃米尔·莫塔德(Paul-EMILE MATTARD)阁下, 尊敬的联合国教科文组织社会与人文科学助理总干事NADA AL-NASHIF女士和社会与人文科学处处长约翰·克劳利(John Crowley)先生: 各位来宾,同事们、朋友们、女士们、先生们: 我谨代表国际哲学与人文科学理事会,对莅临此次世界人文大会的各位致以谢忱,对那些因故未能参会但对此次大会做出多方面贡献的学者表达敬意。此时此刻,本次大会即将谢幕,但其精神则将延续下去,并将凭借众多人文学者的不懈努力传播到地球村的每一个角落。 人类社会正面临着多重困境,而我坚信在帮助人类解决相应的困难方面,人文学术将发挥重要作用。 与全球众多的其他人文组织一样,国际哲学与人文科学理事会在过去的几十年间历经磨难。不过,目前正是人文学者与来自其他领域的同道们一起在全球范围内重建人文学术的历史关口。我愿在此引用和强调阿达玛·萨玛赛扣博士的发言:“人文性就是我们恒久坚持对他者的开放,我们之间就是人类与人类的关系。人文性使得人与人的连接变得可能。”众所周知,团结就是力量。 中国有句老话,叫做“海纳百川”。国际哲学与人文科学理事会从本届大会围绕六个议题进行的研讨和辩论中获得了许多启迪和教益。本理事会愿与其21个成员组织共同致力于联络国际人文学术机构、组织和其他部门,以多种方式在教育、科研和人们的日常生活层面弘扬人文学术,进而在社会变迁中承担联合国2030年可持续发展议程的历史责任。 此外,在作为本次大会成果的“21世纪新人文学术议程”中,我们强调了人文学术对于解决当下种种严峻的社会问题,对于实现可持续发展目标的须臾不可或缺的作用。人文学术的意义还在于其对其他议程的呼应,如巴黎气候协定、仙台减灾框架、新都市议程,以及非洲2063议程等。这些议程关乎意义、价值、理解以及长线趋势。 在联合国教科文组织及各位同仁的协力参与下,“21世纪新人文学术议程”已然形成。我们诚愿各位与会人员将该议程广为传播,这是因为它对人文学术多方面的影响力必将显现出来。 若干区域性的、以专题或议题为中心和跨学科的学术活动将在不久之后在世界各地举办,下一届世界人文大会的动议考量也已纳入国际哲学与人文科学理事会的长线发展规划中。 在此我谨向列日基金会、列日大学、列日市政府和联合国教科文组织社会转型管理处(MOST)等合作伙伴表达谢意。借此机会,我也感谢炎黄国际文化协会和瓦隆-布鲁塞尔国际对本次大会的资金支持,以及其他机构和个人对大会的襄助。 我还愿借此机会表达我对腾讯在携手人文学术方面作为的欣赏。在腾讯开拓的众多领域中,就有非物质文化遗产保护和面向未来的数字人文计划。 亲爱的同事们、朋友们,感谢各位的参与和贡献。 最后,向大家致以最美好的祝愿! 朝戈金 2017年8月11日于比利时列日 Address by Gejin Chao, President of CIPSH, on the occasion of the Closing Session for the 2017 World Humanities Conference: Challenges and Responsibilities for a Planet in Transition, Liège, Belgium, 11 August 2017 Your Excellences Mr. Paul-Emile Mottard, President of the Provincal College of Liege, Madam Nada Al-Nashif, Assitant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO, Mr. John Crowley, Director of the Division of Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO, Dear Colleagues, friends, ladies, and gentlemen, On behalf of the CIPSH, I would like to thank all the participants of the present World Humanities Conference, and also to those who, for various reasons, could not join us this time, but dedicated to the conference in many ways. The conference is about to end at this moment, but its spirit will continue, via many humanists unrelenting efforts in every corner of the global village. The humankind is now facing many crucial problems that need to be solved. The humanities must be an important part in finding solutions concerned, I strongly believe. The CIPSH, as many other humanistic organizations worldwide, also encountered many obstacles and challenges over the past decades. Now it is time to reconstruct humanities in the international community, with the help of humanists and alliance from other disciplines. Here I’d like to stress Prof. Adama Samassékou’s points of view on “Humanitude” that “is our permanent openness towards the Other, our relationships as human being to human being. This humanitude makes it possible to Connect Human to Human.” As we know, union is strength. There is one Chinese old saying goes, “The sea admits hundreds of rivers for its capacity to hold.” The CIPSH has inspired and benefited a lot from the discussion and debates centered on the six themes of the World Humanities Conference. Along with its 21 member organizations, CIPSH would like to federate all the humanistic institutions, organizations and beyond around the world, to facilitate the human sciences in education, academia, and people’s daily life in a wide spectrum, thereby incorporating challenges and responsibilities for the global Transition into the accomplishment of the UN 2030 Agenda. Moreover, in the outcome document of the conference, namely “A New Humanities Agenda for the 21th Century”, we stress that irreplaceable capacity of humanities in helping contemporary societies to meet critical challenges in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals as well as other global agendas such as the Paris Agreement on climate change, the Sendai Framework for disaster list reduction, the New Urban Agenda, and the 2063 Agenda for Africa, which relate to meaning, values, understanding, and long-term trends. With the support from UNESCO and the participation of you all, the New Humanities Agenda for the 21st Century of this conference is ready now, and we do hope you would distribute the document as wide as possible, and its influence over the humanities in many ways is highly expected. Some regional, theme-centered or question-oriented, cross-disciplinary scholarly events will take place here and there in the near future. and the next world humanities conference is under consideration in CIPSH long term scheme. My gratitude goes to our partners, the WHC Foundation associates the University of Liege, the Liège City and the Liège Province, as well as the MOST of UNESCO; I also take this opportunity to give thankfulness to the Global Chinese Arts and Culture Society, and Wallonie Bruxelles International, for their financial support, as well as other institutions and individuals in dedication to the conference. I would like to mention here that I do appreciate Tencent’s effort in joining hands with humanities, by safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage, and expanding digital humanities toward the future, among others. Dear colleagues and friends, thank you all for participation and contribution. Best wishes to all of you. (责任编辑:admin) |