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    麦克尼尔是我非常喜欢和推崇的一位美国历史学家。上世纪60年代,他的 The Rise of the West:A History of the Human Community(《西方的兴起——人类共同体史》)曾使他在西方史学界声名赫赫。北京大学的钱乘旦老师和社科院的郭方老师都为这本书写过书评。今年4月,麦克尼尔的另一部代表作Plagues and Peoples(《瘟疫与人》)  已由南开大学余新忠老师和辽宁师范大学毕会成老师共同翻译出版。前几天,我在学校图书馆英文影印书区偶然发现了由北京大学出版社出版的麦克尼尔的 World History (《世界史》),实感不尽欣喜。大略翻看之后,觉得本书篇幅精巧,仅500余页;体系简明,分四个部分,每部分之下设若干章,依时间顺序叙述史实,并充分体现出整体史思想;作为美国部分高校的世界史教科书,它的内容不算肤浅,但又远称不上晦涩难明。因此,这本书非常适合像我这样的世界史初学者进行翻译。我决心在春节之间完成本书的翻译,以从中熟悉世界史常用词汇和书写模式,并逐渐将自己的史学思维真正同“世界”(尤其是“西方”)接轨。此外,我还期望着通过翻译外国学者史著这种方式提高自己的专业英语水平,从而在未来的报考世界古代中纪史方向研究生的考试中顺利过关。所以,虽然这个过程耗时费力,非常辛苦,但对于我,它是有意义的。但目前,作为一名普通本科大二学生的我,不仅英文水平非常低,就连史学积累也很薄弱,所以翻译出来的成果相当拙劣,有许多不流畅、不准确之处(我觉得有好多不通之处)。无奈身边没有同学在做相似的事,也不好每天缠着老师去问,故而在此将我的翻译与麦克尼尔的原文一并发布于网络,目的是期望有能之士在两相对照之后能给予我帮助,为我指出错漏并提供一些建议。不胜感激。
    William H.McNeil,A World History,fourth edition,北京大学出版社,2008年9月影印版
    芝加哥,伊利诺州                                                                                       威廉.H.麦克尼尔   
    Human societies,distingguished from one another by differing styles of life,are very numerous,and   have existed fro-m  pre- and proto-human times  throughout mandkind's history.Civilizations are unusually massive societies,weaving  the lives of milliona of persons into a loose yet coherent life style across hundreds or even thousands of miles and for periods of time that are very long when measured by the span of an individual human  life. Being  both massive  and  long-lived,civilizations must perforce also be few.Indeed,from the time when  human societies first  attained civilized  complexity and size,no more than four different major civilized traditions ever co-existed in the Old World;and in the New,where Amerindian development remained  always weak and retarded,no more than three  distinct  civilizations   ever emerged.
    These facts allow an overview of mankind as a whole.To be sure,the effort to hold simultaneously in mind what was happening in widely separated parts of the earth requires us to focus attention on certain aspects of reality and to pass others by.The same is true of the study of more detailed segments of the  human past-think, for instance,of the local  peculiarities of each  town  and  village  that  are so  ruthlessly  neglected  in  our  standard  national  histories! As in  cartography,each scale has advantages and shortcomings,and an appropriate amount of detail.Too much information will obscure the whole;too little will deprive  history of its verisimililitude and disguise the open-ended surprisingness  of human experience.Historians of the nineteenth century erected a frame for national histories that continues to com-mand general  assent;and in the twentieth century,American textbook writers arrived at a rough consensus concerning the history of something called West Civilization.But for world history,an agreed criterion has not yet appeared.What  to omit and what to pay attention to remain very much matters for debate and disagreement.
    Because of these disagreements,it seemed worthwhile to write this brief account of mankind's past.The success of m-y book The Rise of the West(Chicago,1963)made it plausible to believe that a shorter work would make my personal vision of the whole history of mankind more accessible to students and to general readers—a vision  which,however  
    imperfect, still has the virtue of  being cohesive and intelligible, something  that can be grasped and remembered and  reflected upon afterwards.
    The organizing idea is simple:in any given age the  world balance among cultures was liable to disturbance emanating  from one or more centers where men succeeded in creating an unusually attractive or power ful civilization.Neighbors and neighbors' neighbors were then tempted or compelled to change their own traditional ways of life,sometimes by o-utright borrowing of techniques or ideas,but more often by adjusting and changing things to suit the local scene more  smoothly.
    In successive ages the major center of such disturbance to  the world altered. It therefore becomes possible to survey the epochs of world history by studying first the center or centers of primary disturbance,and then considering how    the other peoples of the earth reacted to or against what they knew  or experienced (often at second or third hand) of  the innovations that had occurred in the main centers of cultural creativity.
    In such a perspective,geographical settings and lines of communication between different civilizations became criticall-y  important . Archaeology , technology , and  art  history  provide important clues to ancient relationships which the  surviving literary record sometimes disguises.
    This book was written during the summer of 1964 and revised in the summer of 1965;the text was revised in the sum-mer of 1970 for a second edition,enlarging the final part substantially.A few relatively minor changes to take account  of  new  archaeological  discoveries  and  other  data  were  incorporated  into the third edition in 1978.The Carnegie Corporation helped to finance the book's preparation and the reproduction of a set of readings  for  an  experimental  course in world history.I owe special thanks also to Professor John A.Wilson of the University of Chicago,who read  part I , and  to  Professor  Immanuel Hsu of the University of California at Santa Barbara,who checked the passages dealing with the Far East.Both detected errors and infelicities which I hope have been removed. In the  preparation o-f  the second edition I was helpd greatly by Allan M.Schleich of Creighton University,Professor David Jones of  the  University of
    Minnesota,and Professor Bill B.Brayfield of the University of Hartford,who gave me detailed reports based on their e-xperiences .  sor  Jones , John  Hord , and  performed  a  similar  service  for  the third edition; Hugh Scogin also took responsibility for revising the Biliographical Essats.
    Chicago,Illinoos                                                                     W.H.M.
    June   1978
    第一部分   世界主要古老文明的形成及概况,公元前500年之前
    (William H.McNeil,A World History,fourth edition,Oxford University Press, New York&Oxford,1999,The summary of  Part I)
    PART   I
    Emergence and Definition of the Major Old World Civilizations to 500 B.C.
    THE first great landmark  of  human  history was the development of food  production.  This  permitted  an enormous multiplication of human numbers,and laid the basis for the emergence of civilizations.How,when,and where hunting and gathering gave way to farming and pastoralism is uncertain. One of the  earliest and most important instances of this transition took place in the Middle East,between about 8500 and 7000 B.C.Thence, through  migrations and borrowings, few of which can be reconstructed  by modern scholars, grain cultivation spread into Europe and India , china, and parts of Africa.The Americas,monsoon Asia,and west Africa probably saw the independent invention of agriculture,though this is not certain.
    The second great landmark in the mankind's history was the emergence of skilled and complex societies we call  civilized. Here the  primacy of  the Middle East is  undisputed. Man's  earliest civilized  communities developed in the valleys of the Tigris-Euphrates and the Nile between about 3500 and 3000 B.C.The Indus- valley  followed  suit  soon afterwards. At first  civilized complexity required  very special  geographical  conditions. Only  on irrigated land  could rich crops be harvested year after year from the  same fields; and only where irrigation was needed did large numbers of men find it necessary  to co-operate in digging  and  diking. An agricultural  surplus that  could  support  specialists,together with habits of  social organization  embracing large numbers of men,thus could and did emerge in the flood plains of the principal Middle East-ern rivers,and,until much later,not elsewhere.
    About a  thousand  years thereafter,men began to  extend  civilized  complexity  to  rain-watered  land. The  invention of the plow was here fundamental.It permitted ancient farmers to   harness the strength of  animals to the tasks of  cultivation, and  thereby allowed the individual farmer to increase his food production very substantially.  This  made available an  agricultural surplus  such as had  previously been produced only on irrigated  land. In  addition, civilization  demanded  a  distinctive social order. Rulers had  to find ways  to compel the cultivators to hand over their surplus crops in order to support the new courts and palace cities.A significant variation depended on sea trade,which allowed rulers of such an island as  Crete to gather th-e fruits of the entire Mediterranean coastline and suetain a palace city at Knossos on the strength of trading profits.
    A fourth  great  change in human  relationships brought steppe  pastoralists and  warriors to the  fore for the first  time .This  happened soon  after  1700  B.C., when  techniques  of   chariot  warfare  were  perfected  somewhere along the northern fringes of Mesopotamia.Chariots gave dominion to warriors who knew  how to tame horses, and since the central  Asia, and India.Others,who had somehow a cquired the techniques of chariot warfare,also conquered the peasants of the Yellow river vally in China.
    In Europe,India,and China,interaction between pre-existing agricultural peoples and the new masters of the land laid the groundword for the emergence  of three new and enormously successful styles  of civilization.The pace of their development was roughly comparable,so that by 500 B.C. a distinctive European  type of civilization had emerged in Greece; an  equally distinctive  Indian type of civilization had appeared in the Ganges river vally; and along  the middle  reaches of the Yellow river, Chinese civilization had  liakewise asserted itself.
    The Middle East had a more  complicated history. The  effect of the chariot  conquest on Mesopotamia and Egypt  was  comparatively superficial, since  local  peoples soon learned  how to use chariots to oust their conquerors.Three civilized empires,based in Egypt,Asia Minor,and northern  Mesopotamia,then  competed for supremacy in the Middle East until a new wave of barbarian invasion struck.The newcomers were equi-pped with iron (actually soft steel) weapons,and the great empires of the Bronze Age broke under the attack of tribesmen  armed with the mew and more abundant metal.But once again the effect of barbarian conquest was transitory.New empires arose,climaxing in the unstable political unification of the entire civilized area of the ancient Middle East,first under the Assyrians and then under the persians.
    As  a  result  of  this tangled  development , what   had  once  been   separate  civilizations  in  Egypt  and  Mesopotamia,as well as various satellite civilizations that had arisen on rain-watered land around and bet-ween the two great river valleys,all began to merge into a new cosmopolitan Middle Eastern style of life.A decisive formulation of a  Middle  Eastern wrold  view appropriate  to this cosmopolitan civilization  took palce among the Jews,whose religion,as shaped by the prophets of the eighth to sixth centuries B.C.,was as vital and persuasive as the Buddhism of India,the Confucianism of China,or the philosophy of Greece,all o-f  which  also found  their  initial  expression  before the end of  the sixth centuries B.C. With the clear and  emphatic  fourfold  patterning of  Old  World  civilization  that  thus came into  focus by 500 B.C.,an initial,constitutive phase of world history came to a close.
    The aim of Part I of this book will be to explore this initial period of civilized history,when the main patter-ns of thought and conduct that governed most men's lives in later ages printed themselves upon human mind-s and feelings for the first time.
    第二部分     文明的平衡发展阶段,公元前500年至公元1500年
    PART  II     Equilibrium  Among  the  Civilizations   500 B.C.-----A.D.1500
    FOR  about  2000  years , between  500 B.C., and  A.D. 1500,no single  center   of  civilized   life   enjoyed  definite  preponderance  in  the  world . Before  that  time, the  Middle East had  taken  first place,influencing  neighbors  and  neighbors'  neighbors,even  across  long  distances,because  aspects  of   the way of living  familiar  to  men  in the  Middle  East struck  others  as  definitely  superior  to  what they  themselves  had  previously  known.But as  the  civilizations of  India,Greece,and  China  assumed  distinctive shapes,the bearers  of  these  civilizations  ceased  to  feel  inferiorit-y   vis-a-vis   the  Middle  East  and  became  correspondingly  indifferent  to   influences  issuing  from   such  an  alien  source . On  the   margins ,barbarians  now  had  several  variant  models  of  civilized  life  from  which  to  choose,and they  often  mixed  elements  of  one  civilization  with  those  of  another.
    The  four  distinctive  civilized  styles  of   life   which  had  arisen  in  the  Old  World  by  500  B.C.  were  roughly  equivalent   to  each  other.Throughout  the   ensuing   centuries,growth  and  modification  within  each of  these  civilizations  never  ceased.The  area  of  the  earth  occupied  by  each  civilization  tended  to  expand.This  of  course,increased  the bulk  and  variety  within  each  civilized  heartland  and  reduced the  insulating   barbarain   zones   between. Contact  from  one  end  of  Euraisa  to  the  other  tended,despite  some  setbacks,to  increase   in  frequency  as the  centuries  passed.This  permitted  leaders  of  one    culture  to  borrow  or  adapt  items  from  other  civilizations  which  happend to  interest  them.Such crosscultural  borrowing  was , indeed, one  of the principal  stimuli  to  innovation  within  each  separate  civilization.Yet  such  borrowings  were  always  voluntary,spontaneous  never  forced.
    In  other  words,each of  the  major  civilizations  of  the  Old  World retained   its autonomy  for  two-thousand-year   period . The  relationship  between   the  four  may  be   thought  of  as  an equilibrium.Any  important  disturbance  tended to  affect  other  parts  of  the  system,but no one  civilization   ever   attained   such  scale  or  power  as  fundamentally  to  alter  the  fourfold  balance  of  the  whole.
    The  equilibrium  among  the  world's  civilizations  did, nonetheless,suffer  series  of  shocks  which  constitute   the  major  bench marks   of   world  history   during this period.First  Greek  and  then  Indian  civilization  spread  widely  beyond  their original  borders.Yet  the  Hellenization  of  the Millde  East,like  the  I-ndianization  of  China and  Japan,proved  in the end to be only  superfical,temporary  phenomenon. In  both  cases  strong   native  reactions  eventually  rep-udiated  most  of  the alien  elements accepeted  eagerly  in  earlier  generations.Then  for  third  time  the  world's  balance  seemed  threatened  by  the  sudde-n  rise  of  Islam  and its  successive  stages  of  expansion,first  throughout   the  ancient  Middle East,north  Africa,and Spain(632----1000),and  then  into  India,eastern  Europe,and  central  Asia(1000----1453).Hindu  India  eventually(1565)  lost  political  independence.As  result,Moslem  overlords  and  rulers  joined   forces with  converts  to  Islam(who  were  drawn  mainly  from  the  lower  castes)to put Hinduism under  restrictions  and  pressures  that  profoundly  affected  its  subsequent  development.
    Still  fourth  diaturbance,emanating  this  time  from  western  Europe ,finally  upset  the  cultural  balance  of  the earth.The process  began  after A.D.1500  wh-en  European  enterprise  first  opened  the  Americas  and  explored  the  rest   of  the  earth's  habitable  coastlines.Yet  in  a real  sense ,  it  was  not  until  1850  that  the  Western  world  attained  such    crushing  superiority  over  the     other  major  civilizations  of  the  earth  as  to  compel  the       leaders  of       all         non-Western  societies  to  abandon  their  ancestors'  time-tested  ways and surrender  their  traditional,cultural autonomies  in  order  to  enter  upon  desper-ate  effort  to  "modernize"  by   borrowing  skills  from  the  West.
    Consideration     of (责任编辑:admin)