内容摘要: 列奥·平斯克作为早期犹太复国主义先驱之一在犹太复国主义的发展历程中发挥了重要作用。平斯克的《自我解放》一书是犹太复国主义史上的一个重要坐标。国际和国内因素的相互作用促使平斯克撰写了《自我解放》。在《自我解放》一书中,平斯克阐述了他的犹太民族观,并指出了解决犹太人问题的具体途径。在犹太复国主义思想中,平斯克起到了上承开创者摩西·赫斯,下启集大成者西奥多·赫茨尔的过渡作用。 Abstract: As a pioneer of the early Zionism, Leon Pinsker played a very important role in the process of Zionism development. Pinsker' s Auto - Emancipation is an important mark in the history of Zionism. The writing of this book came from the interaction of international and internal factors. In the book, Pinsker explained his Jewish national idea, and pointed out the definite key in solving Jewish question. Pinsker stood as the connecting link between Moss Hess who started the Zionism, and Theodor Herzl who epitomized the Zionism. 关键词:《自我解放》;列奥•平斯克;犹太复国主义;俄国犹太人; 中图分类号:D815.4;K382.8 (责任编辑:admin) |