内容摘要: 2012年7月,印度阿萨姆邦的穆斯林移民与波多人爆发大规模族群暴力冲突。骚乱发生后不久又引发东北籍外出人员陷入恐慌并掀起返乡高潮等一系列连锁反应事件,致使印度出现全国性危机。印度政府针对以上事件出台了一系列处置措施,但社会秩序仍未完全恢复。此次阿萨姆邦的骚乱特征鲜明、成因复杂。本文分析了其特征、起因、及印度政府的处置措施,并总结了该事件的经验教训,提出若干思考。 Abstract: A large-scale ethnic conflict arose between the Muslim immigrants and the indigenous Bodos in the northeast Indian state of Assam in July, 2012. A chain of reactions to the disturbance, such as the mass panic and home returning of migrating workers from the northeast, led to a national crisis . The government had taken some measures to deal with the crisis, but the social order has not restored till now. The disturbance in Assam with distinct features has complicated reasons. This paper analyzes the features, the origins and the government's measures , sums up the lessons and experiences, and puts forward some reflections. 关键词:印度东北地区;阿萨姆邦骚乱;东北籍外出人员;恐慌返乡事件; 中图分类号:D735.162 (责任编辑:admin) |