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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-06 《民族学刊》2019年第2期 格桑卓玛 参加讨论

    1. 数据来源于历年《西藏统计年鉴》。
    2. 数据来源于历年《西藏统计年鉴》。
    3. 指应届高校专科毕业生到基层从事支教、支农、支医和扶贫工作。
    4. 西藏大学招生就业处网站http://zjc.utibet.edu.cn/upload/files/20170215193518.pdf。
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    [47]Gesang Zhuoma.xizang chengjiao nogcun jiuye jiegou bianhua de ge'an yanjiu:yi 2001-2011nian jian dacun weili (A Case Study on the Change of Employment Structure in Rural Suburbs of Tibet-Taking Da Village from 2001 to 2011 as an Example) .In China Tibetology, 2013 (4) .
    [48]Guo Weiping, Jia Zhongyi.xizang zizhiqu shaoshu minzu gaoxiao biyesheng jiuye xianzhuang otanxi (Analysis of the Employment Status of Ethnic Minority College Graduates in the Tibet Autonomous Region) .In Ethnic Education Study, 2013 (4) .
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