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    [11]William H. Macneill, The Rise of the West: A History of the Human Community, University of Chicago Press,1963; 他之后还出版了另一部重要著作《瘟疫与人》(Plagues and Peoples, N.Y.: Anchor Press, 1976)。这些宏观世界史著作选择了真正具有世界历史意义的课题进行研究,讨论了思想、技能和疾病的跨文化交流及其对人类历史的重要影响。
    [12]Bruce Mazlish, “Comparing Global History to World History”, The Journal of Interdisciplinary History,Vol.28, No.3(Winter,1998), p.385.
    [13]Jerry Bently, “Review of Mazlish and Ralph Buultjens eds., Conceptualizing Global History(Boulder,1993)”, H-Net Book Review(August,1995), I.
    [14]William H. Mcneill, “The Changing shape of World History”, p.9.
    [15] 杰里·H.本特利:《20世纪的世界史学史》,许平、胡修雷译,《史学理论研究》,2004年,第4期。
    [17]Kenneth Pomeranz, “Social History and World History: From Daily Life to Patterns of Change”, The Journal of World History,Vol.18, No.1(Mar. 2007), p.69.
    [19]Stanley W. Burstein, “The New AP World History Course: How Will It Can Compare with College World History courses?” The History Tearcher,Vol.32, No.2, Special Issues: Advanced Placement(Feb.1999), p.284.
    [21]Stanley W. Burstein, “The New AP World History Course: How Will It Can Compare with College World History courses?”, p.284.
    [22]Ane Lintvedt, “The Demography of World History in the United States”, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2003, http:/ /en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Advanced_Placement_World_History.转引自施诚:《全球史研究主题评介》,《史学理论研究》,2012年,第2期。
    [24]吴于廑:《世界史学科前景杂说》,《吴于廑学术论著自选集》,第50页。 [25]彭小瑜、高岱主编:《外国史读本》上、下册,北京:北京大学出版社,2006年,第916页。
