①本文中的“医疗保险”,非经说明,均指强制医保(Compulsory Health Insurance),而非商业性或互助性医疗保险。 ②Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,National Health Expenditures 2013 Highlights,http://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/NationalHealthExpendData/downloads/highlights.pdf,2015年3月12日。 ③U.S.Census Bureau,Health Insurance Coverage in the United States:2013,p.18.http://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2014/demo/p60-250.pdf,2015年3月9日。 ④Paul Starr,Remedy and Reaction:The Peculiar American Struggle over Health Care Reform,New Haven:Yale University Press,2011; Colin Gordon,Dead on Arrival:The Politics of Health Care in Twentieth-Century America,Princeton:Princeton University Press,2004; David Blumenthal,James Morone,The Heart of Power:Health and Politics in the Oval Office,Berkeley,CA:University of California Press,2009. ⑤Paul Starr,The Social Transformation of American Medicine:The Rise of a Sovereign Profession and the Making a Vast Industry,New York:Basic Books,1984. ⑥John E.Murray,Origins of American Health Insurance:A History of Industrial Sickness Funds,New Haven:Yale University Press,2007. ⑦Laurie Zoloth,Health Care and the Ethnics of Encounter:A Jewish Discussion of Social Justice,Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press,1999. ⑧Abram De Swaan,In Care of the State:Health Care,Education and Welfare in Europe and the USA in the Modern Era,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1988; Paul V.Dutton,Differential Diagnoses:A Comparative History of Health Care Problems and Solutions in the United States and France,Ithaca:ILR Press,2007. ⑨代表成果主要有:高芳英:《美国医疗保健服务体系的形成、发展与改革》,《史学集刊》2010年第6期;高芳英:《欧美三大医疗保险模式的历史成因》,《史林》2010年第6期;何佳馨:《美国医疗保险制度的历史考察与理论检省》,《法制与社会发展》2012年第4期;高芳英:《社会价值冲突:以美国医改为视角》,《国外社会科学》2012年第4期;高芳英:《美国医疗体制改革历程探析》,《世界历史》2014年第4期;荣霞:《美国全民医疗改革:从克林顿到奥巴马》,博士学位论文,南京大学,2014年;祝晓静:《当代利益集团对美国医疗保险制度改革的影响——以90年代克林顿政府的医保改革为例》,硕士学位论文,华中科技大学,2009年;陈超:《1980年代以来美国雇主提供式医保(ESI)覆盖率下滑的原因》,硕士学位论文,苏州大学,2013年。 ⑩Beatrix Hoffman,The Wages of Sickness:The Politics of Health Insurance in Progressive America,Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press,2001. (11)Daniel T.Rodgers,Atlantic Crossing:Social Politics in a Progressive Age,Cambridge,Mass:The Belknap Press,1998,pp.209—234; John E.Murray,Origins of American Health Insurance,pp.16—37. (12)Ronald L.Numbers,Almost Persuaded:American Physicians and Compulsory Health Insurance,1912-1920,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1978. (13)Till Bamighausen,Rainer Sauerbom,"One Hundred and Eighteen Years of German Health Insurance System:Are There Any Lessons for Middle-and Low-Income Countries," Social Science and Medicine,Vol.54,no.10(May 2002),pp.1559—1587. (14)Richard B.Saltman,Reinhard Busse,and Josep Figueras,eds.,Social Health Insurance Systems in Western Europe,Berkshire:Open University Press,2004,pp.23—24. (15)Paul Starr,Remedy and Reaction,p.30. (16)David A.Moss,Socializing Security:Progressive Era Economists and the Origins of American Social Policy,Cambridge,Mass:Harvard University Press,1987,p.79. 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