Crossing boundaries: Understanding the pro-asylum narratives of young Australians 跨越边界:理解澳大利亚青年的亲庇护叙述 Abstract: This paper uses interview data collected from young people in Queensland, Australia, to report the narratives of young Australians on the issue of boat people' and to explore the accepting' viewpoint. Consistent with existing literature, the anti-asylum' interviewees construct symbolic boundaries via language to justify why they believe exclusionary measures should be taken against asylum seekers who attempt to reach Australia by boat. In order to challenge this language of exclusion, our findings suggest the pro-asylum' participants adopt narratives aligned with the cosmopolitan principles of responsibility, openness and compassion. By doing so, they defend their belief that Australia's obligations towards the broader global community should take precedence over any challenges boat people' present to the Australian nation. 摘要:本文采用从澳大利亚昆士兰的年轻人收集的访谈资料,报告年轻的澳大利亚人对船民问题的叙述,并“探讨接受船民的”观点。与现有文献一致,反庇护的受访者通过语言构建了象征性的边界来证明为什么他们相信对试图乘船到达澳大利亚寻求庇护的人应该采取驱逐措施。为了挑战这种驱逐的语言,我们的研究结果表明,亲庇护的参与者采用了符合普世原则的责任、开放和同情的叙事。通过这样做,他们捍卫他们的信念,即,澳大利亚承担的更广阔的全球社会的义务应优先于船民的存在给澳大利亚国家带来的任何挑战。 作者:Laughland-Booy, Jacqueline; Skrbis, Zlatko; Tranter, Bruce 来源:ETHNICITIES 卷: 16 期: 5 页: 752-769 出版年: OCT 2016 (责任编辑:admin) |