结 语 首先,在人类的经验中存在着一种口承先于书写的历史;第二,语言的存贮功能先于语言的偶然使用;第三,在我们的心理构成中诗歌经验先于散文经验;第四,记忆及记忆的手段先于发明或我们松散地称之为创造性的东西。行动先于概念,具体感知先于抽象定义,还有古希腊的字母文字优先于其他前期的书写类型,这些都说明迄今为止的全面书写仅仅只是工具。 基于头脑中存在着如此的假设,人类学家将记录部落神话和故事,在记忆的实质性功能即社会作用与神话和故事的即兴讲述仅仅是为了目前的娱乐之间作出区分。教育学家将力图通过中小学的教育,来保持和发展幼儿时期和课程中的许多口头教育的基本要素。心理学家将意识到他正在用于分析人类思维如何运作的语言是一种叠加在主要思维模型上的书写语言,虽然这些(口语)思维模型完全是非概念化的、非理性的,但依然顽固地在我们的大脑底层发生着作用。 (本文译自Eric Havelock,"The Oral-Literate Equation: A Formula for Modern Mind." In David R. Olson and Nancy Torrance eds., Literacy and Orality. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991. Pp. 11-27. 译文刊于《民俗研究》2003年第4期) 注释: [1]相关的讨论,本人在《口头传统·书写文化·电子传媒体──兼谈文化多样性讨论中的民俗学视界》一文中有简明的综述,该文发表在中山大学民俗研究中心编辑出版的《民俗学刊》总第5期上(2003年11月)。 [2]该文发表于1987年的一次国际学术会议上,当为作者生前的最后一篇长文──译者注。 [3]Gutenberg Johannes(1400-1468),德国活版印刷发明人。传统上认为是他发明了活字印刷术。他的《马萨林圣经》被认为是用这种印刷术印刷的第一本书籍。──译者注 [4]作者在这里交代了他和伊里斯的知遇之情。限于篇幅,此处作了删节。 [5]腓尼基是地中海地区的一个古国,古代腓尼基人讲的一种闪族语。──译者注 [6]Assyria,亚述。亚洲西部底格里河流域北部一帝国和文明古国。公元前9世纪至7世纪,在它的强盛时期,亚述帝国的疆域从地中海跨越阿拉伯和亚美尼亚地区。──译者注 [7]Xenophon,色诺芬,希腊将军,历史学家,著有《长征记》一书。──译者注 [8]Demosthenes,德摩斯梯尼,古代希腊的雄辩家。──译者注 [9]Cyrillic,西里尔字母,旧斯拉夫语字母,被归功于圣西里尔,现在改造的形式用于俄语、保加利亚语、某些其他斯拉夫语和其他苏联语的,或与其有关的,或由其组成的。──译者注 原文引证文献: Austin, J. L. (1962). How to do things with words (J. 0. Urmson, ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. Chaytor, H. J. (1945). From script to print. Cambridge University Press.. Derrida, J. (1976). Of Grammatology (G. C. Spivak., trans.). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Dewey, J. (1933). How we think. New York: Heath. Eisenstein, E. (1979). The printing press as an agent of change: Communication and cultural transformation in early modern Europe. Cambridge University Press. Febvre, L., & Martin. H. J. (1976). The coming of the book: The impact of printing 1450-1800 (G. Nowell-Smith & D. Wootton, eds., D. Gerard, trans.). London: N.L.B. Foundations of History Library. Finnegan, R. (1977). Oral poetry. Cambridge University Press. Gelb, I. J.(1963). A study of writing: The foundations of grammatology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Goody, J.(1987). The interface between the written and the oral. Cambridge University Press. Goody. J., & Watt, I.(1963). The consequences of literacy. Contemporary Studies in society and history, 5:304-45. Republished in J. Goody, (ed.) (1968). Literacy in traditional societies. Cambridge University Press. Havelock, E. (1963). Preface to Plato. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. (1982). The literate revolution in Greece and its cultural consequences. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press. Innis, H. (1951). The bias of communication. Toronto: Toronto University Press. Jaynes, J. (1976). The origin of consciousness in the breakdown of bicameral mind. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin. Jousse, M. (1925). Etudes de psychologie linguistique. Paris: Beauchesne. Kelber, W. (1983). The oral and the written gospel: The hermeneutics of speaking and writing. Philadelphia: Fortress. Lévi-Strauss, C. (1962). La pensée sauvage. Paris: Plon. Lord, A. (1960). The singer of tales. Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature, 24. Cambridge, mass.: Harvard University Press. Luria, A. R. (1976). Cognitive development: Its cultural and social foundations. (M. Cole, ed., M. Lopez-Morillas, trans.) Cambridge, mass.: Harvard University Press. Malinowski, B. (1979). The ethnography of Malinowski: The Trobriand Islands 1915-1918. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Mayr, E. (1963). Animal speices and evolution. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Mcluhan, M. (1962). The Gutenberg Galaxy. Toronto: University of Toronto. Ong, W. (1958). Ramus: Method, and decay of dialogue. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Ong, W. (1982). Orality and literacy: The technologizing of the word. London: Methuen. Parry, M. (1971). The collected papers of Milman Parry (A. Parry, ed.). Oxford: oxford University Press (Clarendon Press). Piaget, J. (1926). The child's conception of the world. New York: Harcount Brace. (责任编辑:admin) |