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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-20 《求是学刊》2019年第3期 韩宇 参加讨论

    ①Daniel H.Garnick,"Local Area Economic Growth Patterns:A Comparison of the 1980s and Previous Decades",in Michael G.H.McGeary and Laurence E.Lynn ed.,Urban Change and Poverty,Washington:National Academy Press,1988,p.213.
    ②Daniel H.Garnick,"Local Area Economic Growth Patterns:A Comparison of the 1980s and Previous Decades",p.213.
    ③Carolyn C.Perrucci,Robert Perrucci,Dena B.Targ,Harry R.Targ,Plant Closings:International Context and Social Costs,New York:Aldine De Gruyter,1988,p.70.
    ④Robert Aronson,Robert McKersie,Economic Consequences of Plant Shutdowns in New York State,Ithaca,New York:New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations,Cornell University,1980,May,pp.11-12,36.
    ⑤Barry Bluestone,Bennett Harrison,The Deindustrialization of America,New York:Basic Books,1982,p.52.
    ⑥William H.Frey,Elaine L.Fielding,"Changing Urban Populations:Regional Restructuring,Racial Polarization,and Poverty Concentration",in Cityscape,1995,Vol.1,No.2,p.23.
    ⑦William H.Frey and Elaine L.Fielding,"Changing Urban Populations:Regional Restructuring,Racial Polarization,and Poverty Concentration",p.24.
    ⑧William H.Frey and Elaine L.Fielding,"Changing Urban Populations:Regional Restructuring,Racial Polarization,and Poverty Concentration",p.24.
    ⑨Amy L.Nelson,"The effect of economic restructuring on family poverty in the industrial heartland,1970-1990",in Sociological Focus,1998,Vol.31,No.2,p.209.
    ⑩John Kasarda,"Cities as Places Where People Live and Work:Urban Change and Neighborhood Distress",in Henry G.Cisneros ed.,Interwoven Destinies:Cities and the Nation,New York:Norton,1993,pp.81-124.
    (11)贫困区指的是20%以上的居民处于贫困线以下的街区;极度贫困区指的是至少有40%的居民处于贫困线的街区。穷困区是高贫困率、高失业率、女性户主家庭和福利受助者同时存在的街区;极度穷困区是除了具有穷困区的几个特征之外,青少年辍学率特别高的街区。参见John Kasarda,"Cities as Places Where People Live and Work:Urban Change and Neighborhood Distress",pp.87-88.
    (12)John Kasarda,"Cities as Places Where People Live and Work:Urban Change and Neighborhood Distress",p.90.
    (13)John Kasarda,"Cities as Places Where People Live and Work:Urban Change and Neighborhood Distress",p.91.
    (14)Barry Bluestone,Bennett Harrison,The Deindustrialization of America,p.56.
    (15)Carolyn C.Perrucci,Robert Perrucci,Dena B.Targ and Harry R.Targ,Plant Closings:International Context and Social Costs,p.73.
    (16)Barry Bluestone,Bennett Harrison,The Deindustrialization of America,p.62.
    (17)Robert Aronson,Robert McKersie,Final Report:Economic Consequences of Plant Shutdowns in New York State,p.57.
    (18)Barry Bluestone,Bennett Harrison,The Deindustrialization of America,pp.63-64.
    (19)Bremer MH,"Personal Stability and Economic Security",in Social Policy,1977,May/June.
    (20)Barry Bluestone,Bennett Harrison,The Deindustrialization of America,p.65.
    (21)Carolyn C.Perrucci,Robert Perrucci,Dena B.Targ and Harry R.Targ,Plant Closings:International Context and Social Costs,p.92.
    (22)Brenner MH,"Personal Stability and Economic Security".
    (23)Richard C.Wilcock,W.H.Franke,Unwanted Workers:Permanent Layoffs and Long-term Unemployment,New York:Gleneoe Free Press,1963,pp.166,185.
    (26)这些项目包括瓦格纳—皮埃尔就业服务(Wagner-Peyser Employment Service)、工程署(Works Progress Administration,WPA)和民间保护团(Civilian Conseivation Corps,CCC)。
    (28)U.S.Congress,Technology and Structural Unemployment:Reemploying Displaeed Adults,OTA-ITE-250,Washington:U.S.Government Printing Office,1986,p.168.
    (29)Robert J.LaLonde,"The Promise of Public Sector-Sponsored Training Programs",in The Journal of Economic Perspectives,1995,Vol.9,No.2,p.150.
    (30)Duane E.Leigh,Does Training Work for Displaced Workers? A Survey of Existing Evidence,Kalamazoo,Upjohn Institute for Employment Research,1990,p.7.
    (31)Robert J.LaLonde,"The Promise of Public Sector-Sponsored Training Programs",in The Journal of Economic Perspectives,1995,Vol.9,No.2,p.150.
    (32)Gladys Roth Kremen,"MDTA:The Origins of the Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962",https://www.dol.gov/general/aboutdol/history/mono-mdtatext.
    (33)Duane E.Leigh,Does Training Work for Displaced Workers? A Survey of Existing Evidence,p.7.
    (34)Duane E.Leigh,"Retraining Displaced Workers:The US Experience",in Training Policy Study,1994,No.1,International Labour Organization,p.7.
    (35)Terry F.Buss,F.Stevens Redbum,Shutdown at Youngstown:Public Policy for Mass Unemployment,State University of New York Press,1983,p.102.
    (36)U.S.Congress,Office of Technology Assessment,Technology and Structural Unemployment:Reemploying Displaced Adults,p.169.
    (37)Duane E.Leigh,Does Training Work for Displaced Workers? A Survey of Existing Evidence,p.17.
    (38)Robert J.LaLonde,"The Promise of Public Sector-Sponsored Training Programs",p.151.
    (39)United States General Accounting Office,Dislocated Workers:Local Programs and Outcomes Under the Job Training Partnership Act,GAO/HRD-87-41,1987,U.S.Government Printing Office,p.46.
    (40)Murray N.Ross and Ralph E.Smith,Displace workers:Trends in The 1980s and Implications for The Future,Congressional Budget Office Publications,p.32.
    (41)Murray N.Ross and Ralph E.Smith,Displace workers:Trends in The 1980s and Implications for The Future,p.31.
    (42)Sheena McConnell,Kenneth Fortson,Dana Rotz,et al.Providing Public Workforce Services to Job Seekers:15-Month Impact Findings on the WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs:Mathematica Policy Research,2016,p.2.
    (43)Carolyn Heinrich,Peter Mueser,Kenneth Troske,et al."Do Public Employment and Training Programs Work?",in IZA Journal of Labor Economics,2013,Vol.2,No.6,p.1.
    (44)Sheena McConnell,Linda Rosenberg,Providing Public Workforce Services to Job Seekers:Imp lementation Findings on the WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs,p.2.
    (45)Dianne Blank,Laura Heald,Cynthia Fagnoni,"An Overview of WIA",in The Workforce Investment Act:Implementation Experiences and Evaluation Findings,Douglas J.Besharov and Phoebe H.Cottingham,eds.,Kalamazoo,MI:W.E.Upjohn Institute for Employment Research,2011,p.57.
    (46)Sheena McConnell,Linda Rosenberg,Providing Public Workforce Services to Job Seekers:15-Month Impact Findings on the WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs,p.2.
    (47)Dianne Blank,Laura Heald,Cynthia Fagnoni,"An Overview of WIA",p.59.
    (48)Sheena McConnell,Linda Rosenberg,Providing Public Workforce Services to Job Seekers:15-Month Impact Findings on the WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs,p.3.
    (49)U.S.Congress,Office of Technology Assessment,Trade Adjustment Assistance:New Ideas for an Old Program,Special Report,OTA-ITE-346,Washington,DC:U.S.Government Printing Office,1987,June,pp.21-22.
    (50)U.S.Congress,Office of Technology Assessment,Trade Adjustment Assistance:New Ideas for an Old Program,p.22.
    (51)U.S.Congress,Office of Technology Assessment,Trade Adjustment Assistance:New Ideas for an Old Program,p.22.
    (52)U.S.Congress,Office of Technology Assessment,Trade Adjustment Assistance:New Ideas for an Old Program,p.24.
    (53)U.S.Congress,Technology and Structural Unemployment:Reemploying Displaced Adults,p.169.
    (54)U.S.Congress,Office of Technology Assessment,Trade Adjustment Assistance:New Ideas for an Old Program,p.22.
    (55)U.S.Congress,Office of Technology Assessment,Trade Adjustment Assistance:New Ideas for an Old Program,p.24.
    (56)Terry F.Buss,F.Stevens Redburn,Shutdown at Youngstown:Public Policy for Mass Unemployment,p.105.
    (57)U.S.Congress,Office of Technology Assessment,Trade Adjustment Assistance:New Ideas for an Old Program,p.24.
    (58)U.S.Congress,Office of Technology Assessment,Trade Adjustment Assistance:New Ideas for an Old Program,p.22.
    (59)U.S.Congress,Office of Technology Assessment,Technology and Structural Unemployment:Reemploying Displaced Adults,p.169.
    (60)United States General Accounting Office,Trade Adjustment Assistance:Trends,Outcomes,and Management Issues in Dislocated Worker Programs:GAO-01-59,U.S.Government Printing Office,2000,p.6.
    (61)Christopher T.King,"The Effectiveness of Publicly Financed Training in the United States",in Christopher J.O'Leafy,Robert A.Straits,and Stephen A.Wandner,eds.,Job Training Policy in the United States,Kalamazoo,MI:W.E.Upjohn Institute for Employment Research,2004,p.77.
    (62)Duane E.Leigh,Assisting Workers Displaced by Structural Change:An International Perspective,W.E.Upjohn Institute for Employment Research,1995,p.62.
    (63)Duane E.Leigh,Assisting Workers Displaced by Structural Change:An International Perspective,pp.63-64.
    (64)Walter Corson,Joshua Haimson,The New Jersey Unemployment Insurance Reemployment Demonstration Project:Six-Year Follow-up and Summary Report,Revised Edition,Unemployment Insurance Occasional Paper 96-2,U.S.Department of Labor,Employment and Training Administration,1996,p.143.
    (65)Walter Corson,Joshua Haimson,The New Jersey Unemployment Insurance Reemployment Demonstration Project:Six-Year Follow-up and Summary Report,p.144.
    (66)Peter Kuhn,Assisting Workers Displaced by Structural Change:An International Perspective,in Industrial and Labor Relations Review,1997,pp.89-90.
    (67)Paul T.Decker,Walter Corson,"International Trade and Worker Displacement:Evaluation of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program",in ILR Review,1995,Vol.48,No.4,p.773.
    (68)Leah E.Marcal,"Does Trade Adjustment Assistance Help Trade-Displaced Workers",in Contemporary Economic Policy,2001,Vol.19,No.1,p.72.
    (69)Kara M.Reynolds,John S.Palatucci,"Does Trade Adjustment Assistance Make a Difference?",in Contemporary Economic Policy,2012,Vol.30,No.1,p.58.
    (70)Carolyn Heinrich et al.,"Do Public Employment and Training Programs Work?",p.19. (责任编辑:admin)