⑦古代两河流域的重量单位,1舍克尔约等于8.3克。 ⑧伊库是古代两河流域的面积单位,1伊库约等于3600平方米。 原文参考文献: [1]C.J.Gadd.Tablets from Kirkuk[J].Revue d' assyriologie et d' archeologie orientale,1926,( 2) . [2]E.A.Speiser.New Kirkuk Documents Relating to Family Laws[M].New Haven:Yale University Press,1930. [3]E.C.Stone,D.I.Owen.Adoption in Old Babylonian Nippur and the Archives of Mannum-me su-lissur[M].Winona,Indiana:Eisenbrauns,1991. [4]霍文勇,吴宇虹。古代亚述奴孜地区土地所有权和收养问题研究[J].历史教学,2005(11)。 [5]李海峰。古巴比伦人的收养制度[J].世界民族,2006,(2)。 [6]Martha T.Roth.Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor[M].Atlanta,Georgia:Scholas Press,1997. [7]杨炽。汉穆拉比法典[M].北京:高等教育出版社,1992. [8]Maria Dej Ellis.An Old Babylonian Adoption Contract from Harmal[J].Journal of Cunei form Studies,1975,( 3) . [9]Martha T.Roth.Women in Transition and the bit mar bani.[J].Revue d' assyriologie et d' archeologie orientale,1988( 1) . [10]Martha T.Roth.The Neo-Babylonian Widow[J].Journal of Cuneiform Studies,1991~1993( 1) . [11]Samuel Greengus.The Old Babylonian Marriage Contract[J].Journal of the American Oriental Society,1969,( 3) . [12]H.W.F.Saggs.The Greatness That Was Babylonia[M].London:Sidwick & Jackson,1984. [13]G.R.Driver,John C.Miles.The Babylonian Laws Vol.1[M].Oxford:The Clerendon Press,1952. [14]Millar Burrows,E.A.Speiser.One Hundred New Selected Nuzi Texts[M].New York:American Schools of Oriental Resaerch,1936. [15]Rivkah Harris.Ancietn Sippar:A Demographic Study of an Old-Babylonian City[M].Leiden:Publications de l' Institut historique et archéologique néerlandis de Stamboul,1975. [16]Andrew George.The Epic of Gilgamesh:The Babylonian Epic Poem and other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian[M].Suffolk:Barnes and Noble,Inc.,1999. [17]Jean Bottero.The Mythology of Death[A].Jean Bottero.Mesopotamia:Writing,Reasoning and the Gods[C].Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1992. [18]Benjamin R.Foster.From Distant Days:Myths,Tales,and Poetry of Ancient Mesopotamia[M].Bethesda,Maryland CDL Press,1995. [19]Meir Malul.Adoption of Foundlings the Bible and Mesopotamian Documents:A Study of Some Legal Metaphors in Ezekiel:16:1-7[J].Journal for the Study of the Old Testament,1996,( 2) . [20]I.Mendlsohn.Gilds in Babylonia and Assyria[J].Journal of the American Oriental Society,1960,( 1) . [21]Jones M.Renger.Institutional,Communal,and Individual Ownership or Possession of Arable Land in Ancient Mesopotamia from the end of the Fourth to the end of the First Millennium BC[J].Chicago-Kent Law Review,1995,( 2) . [22]于殿利。古巴比伦社会存在债务奴隶制吗[J].北京师范大学学报(社会科学版),2004,(4)。
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