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http://www.newdu.com 2017-08-28 中国社会科学网 杭聪 参加讨论

    [②] 国内外对非殖民化时期暴力的既有研究主要有两类,一类是具体研究英国镇压活动或殖民地人民武装反抗,揭示英国镇压活动的血腥,如David M.Anderson and David Killingary,Policing and decolonisation:Politics,Nationalism and the police,1917-65, Manchester and New York :Manchester University Press,1992;David Anderson, Histories of the Hanged: The Dirty War in Kenya and the End of Empire, New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2005;高晋元:《“茅茅”运动的兴起和失败》,《西亚非洲》,1984年04期;另一类是从英国战略考虑出发进行的研究,如张顺洪:《英国殖民撤退过程中的军事条约和协定》,载《世界历史》,1997年第4期;David A.Percox,Britain, Kenya and the Cold War: Imperial Defence, Colonial Security and Decolonisation,London :I. B. Tauris. 2004。本文的研究角度有别于上述两种立场,认为英国镇压活动的残暴血腥不仅仅是针对某事某地的应激性个别反应,而是一种体制性的机制,试图从宏观上理清该机制的运转、调整、失灵和转换。
    [③] 关于此三个角度的具体论述,详见杭聪:《新近二十年来英美学者关于英属撒哈拉以南非洲帝国衰落原因的研究》,《史林》,2010年第4期。
    [④] R.Robinson, ‘Non-European foundations of European imperialism:a sketch for a theory of collaboration’,in R.Owen and B.Sutcliffe,ed., Studies in the Theory of Imperialism,London:Longman,1972.
    [⑤] John Gallagher and Ronald Robinson, ‘The Imperialism of Free Trade’; in John Gallagher,The Decline,Revival and Fall of the British Empire: the Ford lectures and other essays, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1982.
    [⑥]Ronald Robinson and John Gallagher ,Africa and the Victorians : the official mind of imperialism,London : Macmillan, 1961.
    [⑦] 英国托管巴勒斯坦期间经历的惨烈的武装镇压活动,以至于在安放击败拿破仑的威灵顿和纳尔逊陵寝的圣保罗教堂地下室里,还存放一块纪念英国巴勒斯坦委任统治时期从事镇压活动而死难英国军警人员的纪念碑。
    [⑧]英国安全局(或称为MI5)位于伦敦泰晤士河大厦。它是英国安全情报局,负责保护英国境内外的公民及其利益,防范针对国家安全的任何威胁。在英国的议会两院体制中由英国内务部(The Home Secretary)负责MI5的事务。 MI5的缩写字母实为“第五军事情报局”,尽管1931年就改名为英国安全局,但其体制从未真正脱离过MI5的含义,而且至今还被普遍地称作MI5。
    [⑨] CO537/ 6960 , 25 Apr1952,[Position of colonial police]:minute by Sir C Jeffries,in Hyam,Ronald ,edit.,British Documents on the End of Empire:The Labour Government and the End of Empire,1945-1951,London : HMSO,1992,第244号文件。
    [⑩] CO1037/2,no13 July 1954, [Position of colonial police]:report of a conference of commissioners of colonial police forces, Police College, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Warwickshire,in Goldsworthy ,David,edit.,British Documents on the End of Empire:The Conservative Government and the End of Empire, 1951-1957,London : HMSO, 2000,第248号文件。
    [11] CO 537/6960,no4 22 Apr1953,[Position of police in later stages of colonial constitutional development]:report of a CO working party. Appendix,in Goldsworthy ,David,edit., The Conservative Government and the End of Empire, 1951-1957,第247号文件。
    [12] CAB 128/17, CM37(50)1 ,19 June 1950,‘Malaya’: Cabinet conclusions; discussion of the situation, and proposed draft statements, in Hyam,Ronald ,edit., The Labour Government and the End of Empire,1945-1951, 第270号文件。
    [13] W.C.Johnson,Police Advisor to the Secretary of state for the colonies, ‘Report on the colonial Police Service’,28 Dec.1948,British National Archives CO537/5440.
    [14] Georgina Sinclair,At the end of the line:colonial policing and the Imperrial endgame,1945-80,Manchester and New York:Manchester University Press,2006,p. 153.
    [15] Ibid.,p.149.
    [16] Bennett, H.,“The Other Side of the COIN: Minimum and Exemplary Force in British Army Counterinsurgency in Kenya”,Small wars & insurgencies,vol.18,number4, 2007,pp.648-649.
    [17] Cohen to all Governors in Africa,Secret dispatch,15 March 1948, British National Archives CO537/2686.
    [18] Colonial Political Intelligence summaries1948,Minutes, British National Archives CO537/2760.
    [19] Gurney to Arthur Creech-Jones,30May1949, British National Archives,DEFE 11/33.
    [20] CAB128/13,CM50(48)3, 13 July 1948,’Malaya’: Cabinet conclusions on British response to disturbances, in Hyam,Ronald ,edit., The Labour Government and the End of Empire,1945-1951, 第265号文件;CAB129/71,C(54)329(annex), 3 Nov1954, ‘Defence policy’: report for Cabinet by Lord Swinton,in Goldsworthy ,David,edit.,The Conservative Government and the End of Empire,1951-1957,第15号文件。
    [21] Colonial Political Intelligence Summaries 1948,Minutes, British National Archives CO537/2677.
    [22] CO554/254, 9Feb1953 [Gold Coast constitution]:minutes by Sir C Jeffries and Mr Lyttelton, in Goldsworthy,David,edit.,The Conservative Government and the End of Empire,1951-1957,第267号文件。
    [23] CO537/6960,25 Apr 1952[Position of colonial police]:minute by Sir C Jeffries, in Goldsworthy,David,edit.,The Conservative Government and the End of Empire,1951-1957, 第244号文件。
    [24] CO537/6960,no4 22Apr1953[Position of police in later stages of colonial constitutional development]:report of a CO working party, Goldsworthy ,David, edit, British Documents on the End of Empire:The Conservative Government and the End of Empire,1951-1957,第247号文件。也见CO1037/2,no19 5Nov1954[Position of colonial police]:minute by I B Watt of a CO interdepartmental meeting with the Home Office, in Goldsworthy,David ,edit.,British Documents on the End of Empire:The Conservative Government and the End of Empire, 1951-1957,第250号文件。
    [25] Sir R.Saloway, ‘The New Gold Coast’, International Affairs,(Oct.1955),p.469.
    [26] Macleod to Watkinson,12 Jan,1961;A.D.Peck to Gough, 12 Jan,1961,British National Archives CO822/2892.
    [27]CAB 128/38,CM1(63)5, 22Oct1963,[Kenya independence conference settlement]:Cabinet conclusions, in Hyam ,Ronald, and Louis,Wm Roger ,eds., British Documents on the End of Empire:The Conservative government and the End of Empire, 1957-1964,London : HMSO, 2000,第179号文件。
    [28] David Anderson, Histories of the Hanged: The Dirty War in Kenya and the End of Empire, New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2005, p.85.
    [29] Foran ,William Robert,The Kenya Police1887-1960,London:Tobert Hale,1962,p.136.
    [30] CAB 134/1558,CPC(59)6 ,29 June 1959,‘Security powers of colonial governs’: Cabinet Colonial Policy Committee memorandum by Mr Lennox-Boyd,in Hyam ,Ronald,and Louis,Wm Roger ,eds.,British Documents on the End of Empire:The Conservative government and the End of Empire, 1957-1964, London : HMSO, 2000,第23号文件。
    [31] CAB134/1558,CPC5(59)1 ,5 Nov1959, ‘Security powers in Kenya’: minutes of Cabinet Colonial Policy Committee
    Hyam ,Ronald, and Louis,Wm Roger,eds., The Conservative government and the End of Empire, 1957-1964,第24号文件。
    [32]CAB134/1555,CPC(57)12,7 May1957, ‘Nigeria’: memorandum for Cabinet Colonial Policy Committee by Mr Lennox-Boyd on forthcoming constitutional conference,in Hyam ,Ronald,and Louis,Wm Roger ,eds., The Conservative government and the End of Empire, 1957-1964,第100号文件。
