注释: ①有关史学著作的全面评述参见帕特里克·曼宁(PATRICK MANNING)"Navigating World History.Historians Create a Global Past",New York,Palgrave Macmillan,2003. ②参见ULRICH BECK,"Der kosmopolitische Blick oder:Krieg ist Frieden",Frankfurt am Main,Suhrkamp,2004. ③Access to Excellence.A Report of the Commission on the Future of the Advanced Placement Program,The College Board,2001.The number of the world history Advanced Placement exams has regularly risen every year from 20.955 in 2002 (when they first took place)to 64.207 in 2005. ④参见PETER LAUTZAS的报告,Geschichtskultur im Umbruch:Neue Standards und global orientiertes Geshichtsbewusstseins.Eine Sektion des 45.Deutschen Historikertages in Kiel,in"Internationale Schulbuchforschung-International Textbook Research",XXVI(2004),n.4,pp.452-455. ⑤对于火的应用年代问题争议颇多,参见CATHERINE PERLS,Préhistoire du feu,Paris-New York-Barcelone-Milan,Masson,1977; STEVEN R.JAMES,Hominid Use of Fire in the Lower and Middle Pleistocene.A Review of the Evidence,in "Current Anthropology",vol.30,N.1,February 1989,pp.1-26; L.MEIGNEN,O.BAR YOSEF,P.GOLDBERG,S.WEINER,Le feu au paléolithique moyen:recherches sur les structures de Combustion et le statut des foyers.L' exemple du Proche-orient,in"Paléorient",XXVI/2 (2000),pp.9-22. 原文参考文献: [1] JACQUES DELORS.Learning:The Treasure within.Report to the UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century[R].UNESCO,1996. [2] GILBERT ALLARDYCE.Toward World History:American Historians and the Coming of the World History Course[J].in "Journal of World History "I (1990),n.1,qui p.31. [3] GARY B.NASH.CHARLOTTE CRABTREE,ROSS E.DUNN,History on Trial.Culture Wars and the Teaching of the Past,Alfred A.Knopp,New York,1999. [4] National Standards for History[Z].Basic Edition,National Center for History in the Schools,Los Angeles,1996. [5] LUIGI CAJANI.A World History curriculum for the Italian school[J].in "World History Bulletin",vol.ⅩⅥⅡ,n.2,Fall 2002. [6] GIUSEPPE RICUPERATI.A proposito di "Whose History?",e di uso pubblico della storia.Lo scontro sui piani di studio negli Stati Uniti(e in Italia),in "Rivista storica italiana" CXV(2003)。 [7] PAOLO CONTI.Villari:caro ministro,ecco perché la tua riforma è sbagliata,in "Corriere della sera",February,13th 2001,quoted by CAJANI,A World History curriculum… [8] MATTHIAS MIDDEL.SUSANNE POPP,HANNA SCHISSLER,Weltgeschichte in deutschen Geschichtsunterricht.Argumente uns Thesen,in "Internationale Schulbuchforscuhng-International Textbook Research",XXV(2003),nn.1-2. [9] ERNST TROELTSCH.Der Historismus und seine Probleme[M].Tübingen,Mohr,1922. [10] Carl August Schrder.Die Schulbuchverbesserung durch internationale geistige Zusammenarbeit,Braunschweig,Georg Westermann Verlag,1961. [11] ANTONIO BRUSA,Histoire-récit,histoire-image:les déplacements de la rhétorique.Les cartes et les mythes fondateurs,in "Internationale Schulbuchforschung-International Textbook Research",XIX(1997),n.4. [12] DEILEF MITTAG.Schulgeschichtsatlanten-eine Quelle ethnozentrischer Selbstbilder?in"Internationale Schulbuchforschung-International Textbook Research",XXI(1999),n.3.
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