(69)尼萨遗址分为新尼萨(Novaia Nisa)和老尼萨(Straia Nisa)两处。其实二者都是约公元前2世纪建立的。前者是城市,一直存在到17世纪;后者是王家城堡(the royal fortress),公元3世纪随着帕提亚王国的灭亡被遗弃。 (70)据说这是米特里达梯一世的女儿罗多古娜(Rodoguna)的雕像。根据传奇故事,她正在沐浴化妆,忽闻敌人来袭,遂弃妆披甲,率军上阵。雕像可能表现她浴后整理头发的瞬间。还有一尊希腊古典式的全身雕像,被称为“尼萨女神”,据说表现的也是罗多古娜。当地还出土了一个阿芙洛狄特的头像,是对希腊古典雕塑大师普拉克西特勒斯(Praxiteles,约前400—前330)作品“克尼多斯的阿芙洛狄特”(Aphrodite of Knidos)的模仿。(Jonathan Tucker, The Silk Road: Art and History, fig. 296, 297; p. 234)事实上,这尊裸体雕像的原型可以追溯到公元前4世纪中叶的同类雕像“卡普亚的阿芙洛狄特”。“断臂的维纳斯”外形上也与它极为接近,但因二者时间相近(公元前2世纪下半期),地理上相距遥远,后者模仿前者的可能性不大。但二者无疑都从以前同类主题的作品那里获得了灵感。或许这尊雕像的制作者就是一位来自希腊本土的艺术家。参见苏珊·伍德福德著:《剑桥艺术史:古希腊罗马艺术》,钱乘旦译,南京:译林出版社,2009年,第60—63、66—69页,图74、79。 (71)关于尼萨遗址,详见Ehsan Yarshater, ed., The Cambridge History of Iran, vol. 2: The Seleucid, Parthian and Sasanian Periods, pp. 1037-1041, pl. 63; V. N. Pilipko, "Excavations of Staraia Nisa," http://www.cais-soas.com/CAIS/Archaeology/Ashkanian/excavation_staraia_nisa.htm. (72)Richard Tada, Apollodorus of Artemita and the Rise of the Parthian Empire, p. 36. (73)Amélie Kuhrt and Susan Sherwin-White, Hellenism in the East: The Interaction of Greek and Non-Greek Civilizations from Syria to Central Asia after Alexander, London: Duckworth, 1987, pl. VIII. (74)参见杨巨平:《阿伊·哈努姆遗址与“希腊化”时期东西方诸文明的互动》,《西域研究》2007年第1期。 (75)A. D. H. Bivar, Review: [untitled], Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London: University of London, vol. 35, no. 1, 1972, pp. 170-171. (76)关于这些希腊式建筑和雕塑,除网络上的图片外,还可参见:J. E. Reade, "Greeo-Parthian Nineveh," Iraq, vol. 60, 1998, pp. 65-83; Amélie Kuhrt and Susan Sherwin-White, Hellenism in the East: The Interaction of Greek and Non-Greek Civilizations from Syria to Central Asia after Alexander, pp. 132-162, Plate II; Amélie Kuhrt and Susan Sherwin-White, From Samarkhand to Sardis, pp. 171-180; Henri Seyrig, "Palmyra and East," The Journal of Roman Studies, vol. 40, part 1 and 2, 1950, pp. 1-7; Malcolm A. R. Colledge, The Parthians, London: Thames and Hudson, 1967, pl. 20, 28-31, 39, 54, 57, 59-60, 62, 64, 66-68, 72. (77)A. D. H. Bivar, Review: [untitled], Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, pp. 170-171. 类似分期也可见Trudy S. Kawami, Monumental Art of the Parthian Period in Iran, p. 143. (78)原文见Horace, Satires, Epistles and Ars Poetica, "To Augustus," in Epistles, II. 1. 156, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1999. (79)这两次所谓的远征(Anabasis)分别发生于约公元前230—前227年和约公元前209年。第一次,塞琉古二世无果而还,帕提亚人大获全胜。第二次,安条克三世进入帕提亚的腹地,占领了百门城和赫卡尼亚,帕提亚国王阿尔萨息二世被迫与之结盟。 (80)关于这一时期帕提亚与塞琉古王朝和巴克特里亚之间的关系,见Marcus Junianus Justinus, Epitome of Pompeius Trogus' "Philippic Histories," 41. 4. 8-5. 7; Polybius, The Histories, X. 28-31. (81)Polybius, The Histories, X. 31. (82)有学者就如此推测,认为米特里达梯一世可能是在帝国的这一特殊地区需要希腊人的支持,才提出了这样的口号。Vesta Sarkhosh Curtis and Sarah Stewart, eds., The Age of the Parthians, New York: I. B. Tauris & Co. Ltd., 2007, p. 11. (83)帕提亚的弗拉特斯四世(Phraates IV)就将其四个儿子交给奥古斯都做人质,以确保与罗马的友谊和免于宫廷内乱。Strabo, Geography, XVI. I. 28; VI. 4. 2. (84)这位特斯穆萨就是弗拉特斯四世将儿子送往罗马的幕后推手。关于其人其事,详见Josephus, Jewish Antiquities, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1996, XVIII. 39-44. (85)参见George Rawlinson, Parthia, pp. 321-324. 罗林森认为这位沃洛格塞斯是三世,在位时间是公元148/149—190/191,与现今通行的帕提亚王位纪年稍有不同。 (86)Josephus, Jewish Antiquities, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1998, XIII. 184-186, 249-253; Marcus Junianus Justinus, Epitome of Pompeius Trogus' "Philippic Histories," 36. 1. 3-5, 38. 10. 参见Edward Dabrowa, Studia Graeco-Parthica: Political and Cultural Relations between Greeks and Parthians, p. 154. (87)Plutarch, Lives, "Crassus," 17, 32. (88)Tacitus, Annals, XI. 8-9. (89)参见George Rawlinson, Parthia, pp. 258-259. (90)http://www.parthia.com/parthia_coins_elymais.htm. (91)关于这些地方钱币式样,可参见李铁生编著:《古波斯币》,北京:北京出版社,2006年,第135—148页;http://www.wildwinds.com/coins/greece/persis/t.html. (92)这种继承人心态在帕提亚国王阿尔塔巴努斯二世(Artabanus II,约公元10—38年在位)那里表现得极为自然,也极为强烈。他在与罗马人争夺亚美尼亚时,不仅坚持原来波斯帝国和马其顿帝国(应指塞琉古王国——笔者注)的界线,而且威胁要夺回先后属于居鲁士和亚历山大的疆土。Tacitus, Annals, VI. 42. (93)参见George Rawlinson, Parthia, pp. 57-58; R. James Ferguson, "Rome and Parthia: Power Politics and Diplomacy across Cultural Frontiers," Center for East-West Cultural and Economic Studies, CEWCES Research Paper No. 12, December 2005, Gold Coast, Australia: Bond University, 2005, p. 8, n. 66. 据斯特拉波记载,泰西封既是国王的冬宫,也是军队的营地,这就使塞琉西亚人避免了驻军的骚扰。(Strabo, Geography, XVI. 1. 16)根据老普林尼的记载,帕提亚国王建立泰西封旨在吸引塞琉西亚人迁居新城,就像塞琉西亚曾吸引了巴比伦城居民大批迁来一样。但计划落空。国王沃罗噶苏斯(Vologesus)不甘心,在泰西封附近又建了一个以他命名的新城。(Pliny, Natural History, VI. xxx)不管这些国王最初的动机如何,宁愿在塞琉西亚附近另建新都,本身就说明他们对希腊人城市心存戒备。 (94)George Rawlinson, Parthia, p. 82. (责任编辑:高尚)
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