(33) Zosimus: New History,2.54. (34) 这是一个对所有军事指挥官及其参谋、军队单位和驻扎、行政机构的主要官员和职员进行说明的列表。列表被分成两个主要部分,代表帝国分为东部和西部。通常认为编纂于4世纪末或5世纪初,至少有一部分涉及不列颠,叙述了3世纪末的军事部署。在研究晚期罗马帝国的问题时,这是一个珍贵的文件,特别清晰地记载了帝国的军队分为军用和民用两种。参见J. Wacher, The Roman Empire, p.256. (35) A. H. M. Jones, The Later Roman Empire 284-602, p.58. (36) A. Cameron, The Later Roman Empire A. D. 284-43, Harvard University Press, 1993,p.34. (37) A. K. Bowman, P.Garnsey and A. Cameron: The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.7,2nd, Cambridge University Press, 2005,p.123. (38) A. Cameron,The Later Roman Empire A. D. 284-43, p. 35. (39) M. Grant, The Collapse and Recovery of the Roman Empire, London and New York: Routledge, 1999,p.37. (40) J. Wacher, The Roman Empire, p.260. (41) 《马克思恩格斯全集》,第14卷,北京:人民出版社,1964年,第26页。 (42) M. Grant, The Collapse and Recovery of the Roman Empire, p.36. (43) M. 罗斯托夫采夫著:《罗马帝国社会经济史》下册,马雍、厉以宁译,北京:商务印书馆,2005年,第696页。 (44) K. Hopkins, Taxes and Trade in the Roman Empire (200 B. C.-A. D. 400), The Journal of Roman Studies, vol.70(1980),p.123. (45) Geza, Alfldy: The Social History of Rome, Tr. by David Braund and Frank Pollock, 3rd ed., London & Sydney: Croom Helm, 1985(First Edition, 1975),p.214. (46) 戴那里乌斯为罗马的银币,奥列乌斯为罗马的金币。 (47) Lactantius, The Minor Works: The Deaths of the Persecutors, 7. (48) 关于戴克里先“限价敕令”中所规定的各种商品和工资的详细列表,参见Corpus Inscriptionum latinarum,vol. 3, Berlin, 1862. 转引自N.Lewis and M. Reinhold, Roman Civilization: Selected Readings, vol.Ⅱ, pp. 464-472. (49) J·W·汤普逊:《中世纪经济社会史》上册,耿淡如译,北京:商务印书馆,1997年,第51页。 (50) Eusebius: Life of Constantine, Nicene and Post- Nicene Fathers,vol.1,1.13. (51) Lactantius, The Minor Works: The Deaths of the Persecutors,7. (52) 爱德华·吉本:《罗马帝国衰亡史》上册,第216-217页。 (53) Lactantius, The Minor Works: The Deaths of the Persecutors, 7. (54) M·罗斯托夫采夫著:《罗马帝国社会经济史》上册,第121页。 (55) Scriptores Historiae Augustae, The Deified Aurelian, Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press, 1982, 39.2;39.7;Justin Cornelius Nepos and Eutropius: Abridgement of Roman History, 9.15. (56) M. Grant, The Collapse and Recovery of the Roman Empire, p.49. (57) Lactantius, The Minor Works: The Deaths of the Persecutors, 10; Victor, Liber de Caesaribus, 39.45. (58) S. Williams, Diocletian and the Roman Recovery, p.69. (59) Lactantius, The Minor Works: The Deaths of the Persecutors, 13;Eusebius: The Ecclesiastical History, 8.2.4. (60) Eusebius: Life of Constantine, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, vol.1,1.15. (61) Lactantius, The Minor Works: The Deaths of the Persecutors, 10. (62) 尤西比乌斯和拉克唐提乌斯都认为基于伽勒里乌斯的压力,戴克里先才颁布敕令对基督教进行迫害。参见Eusebius: The Ecclesiastical History, 8.app.1.;Lactantius, The Minor Works: The Deaths of the Persecutors, 9. (63) Lactantius, The Minor Works: The Deaths of the Persecutors, 14; Eusebius: The Ecclesiastical History, 8.6.6. (64) Eusebius: The Ecclesiastical History, 8.6.8. (65) A. K. Bowman, P. Garnsey and A. Cameron: The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.7, p.653. (66) Eusebius: The Ecclesiastical History, 8.6.9; Lactantius, The Minor Works: The Deaths of the Persecutors, 15. (67) Lactantius, The Minor Works: The Deaths of the Persecutors, 15; Eusebius: The Ecclesiastical History, 8.6.10. (68) Burckhardt, The Age of Constantine the Great, tr.by Moses Hadas, University of California Press, 1983, p.244. (69) 爱德华·吉本:《罗马帝国衰亡史》上册,第294页。 (70) Lactantius, The Minor Works: The Deaths of the Persecutors, 15. (71) 关于君士坦提乌斯是否对基督教进行迫害,尤西比乌斯认为君士坦提乌斯完全没有进行迫害,Eusebius: The Ecclesiastical History, 8.13.13; Eusebius: Life of Constantine, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, vol.1,1.13。而拉克唐提乌斯认为他摧毁了其统治范围内的集会场所和教会建筑,但保留了礼拜堂,Lactantius, The Minor Works: The Deaths of the Persecutors, 15. (72) A. K. Bowman, P. Garnsey and A. Cameron: The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. 7, p.653. (73) Lactantius: The Divine Institute, Ante-Nicene Fathers,ed. by Alexander Roberts & James Donaldson, vol.7, Hendrickson Publishers, 1994, 5.19. (74) Eusebius: Life of Constantine, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, vol.1, 1.57;Lactantius, The Minor Works: The Deaths of the Persecutors,33,34;Eusebius: The Ecclesiastical History, 8.17.6-10. (75) Lactantius, The Minor Works: The Deaths of the Persecutors, 48; Eusebius: The Ecclesiastical History, 10.5.15. (76) 爱德华·吉本:《罗马帝国衰亡史》上册,第204页。 (77) J. Burckhardt, The Age of Constantine the Great, P.245.
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