(46)同上。 (47)Marc Bloch,The Historian's Craft,pp.109-192. (48)Marc Bloch,Feudal Society,pp.67-69. (49)Marc Bloch,"Les techniques,l'histoire et la vie:Note sur un grand problème dínfluences," Annales d'histoire économique et sociale,T.8,No 42(Nov.30,1936),513-515. (50)Marc Bloch,The Historian's Craft,p.194. (51)Friednch Meinecke,"Values and Causalities in History," p.268. (52)Georges Boutroux,Marc Bloch vu par ses eleves,Strasbourg,1945.第5页。 (53)Marc Bloch,Rois et serfs,p.47. (54)Marc Bloch,Les caracteres orignaux de l'histoire rurale Francaise,p.47 (55)Marc Bloch,Esquisse d'une histoire monetaire de l'Europe,p.13. (56)Marc Bloch,Feudal Society,p.106. (57)Marc Bloch,Strange Defeat,p.32. (58)同上,第126页。 (59)同上,第173页。 (60)同上,第22页。 (61)Bloch,The Historian's Craft,p.23; Seigneurie etmanoir anglais,p.12. (62)同上,第47页。 (63)Robert Boutrouche,"Marc Bloch vu par ses élèves," in Mémorial des années 1939-1945,p.195-207. (64)Gustave Monod,Preface to the Revue Historique,in Fritz Richard Stern ed.,The Varieties of History,from Voltaire to the present,p.174. (65)Mare Bloch,Strange Defeat,p.1. (66)同上,第177-178页;并见法文版:L’Etrange defaite,p.23. (67)异类人。 (68)Geoffrey Barraclough,"The Historian in a Changing World," in Hans Meyerhof ed.,The Philosophy of History in Our Time,p.29. (69)作者显然指1940年法国被德国占领的史实。--译注。 (70)Karl Mannheim,Ideologie und Utopie,Bonn:Friedrich Cohen,1929,chapter 1,part 3. (71)Isaiah Berlin,Historical Inevitability,London:Oxford University Press,1954,p.9,fn 1. (72)Marc Bloch,Strange Defeat,p.172. (73)同上。 (74)Marc Bloch,The Historian's Craft,p.V. (75)Marc Bloch,"Historisme ou travail d'historien,"Annales d’Histoire Sociale,Premiere Annee,N.4,Paris:1939,p.429-430. (76)这个叙述引自L’Etrange Defeat(Paris,1946),布洛赫的一位战友写的引言。此外,还有一本整个关于布洛赫参加抵抗运动的书,但我们的图书馆里没有。 (77)Marc Bloch,Strange Defeat,p.3.
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