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http://www.newdu.com 2017-09-06 《历史教学》2015年第10期 张郭 参加讨论

    ①PROCLAMATION BY THE HEADS OF GOVERNMENTS,UNITED STATES,CHINA AND THE UNITED KINGDOM,FRUS,the Conference of Berlin(the Potsdam Conference),FRUS,1945,the Potsdam Conference,Volume II.p.1476.
    ②[美]理查德·A.波斯纳(Richard A Posner)著:《法理学问题》,苏力译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2002年,第416页。
    ④The Chargé in China(Atcheson) to the Secretary of State,Chungking,December 9,1944.FRUS,1944,Volume I,p.1399.
    ⑤The Ambassador in China(Hurley) to the Secretary of State,Chungking,January 6,1945-9 a.m..FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.898.
    ⑥The Ambassador in China(Hurley) to the Secretary of State,Chungking,January 6,1945-2 p.m..FRUS,1945,Volume VI.pp.898~899.
    ⑦The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China(Hurley),Washington,January 16,1945-4 p.m..FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.899.
    ⑧⑨The Ambassador in the United Kingdom(Winant) to the Secretary of State,London,February 6,1945-2 p.m..FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.900.
    ⑩Report by the State-War-Navy Coordinating Subcommittee For East,Washington,September 12,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.933.
    (11)The Ambassador in China(Hurley) to the Secretary of State,ChungKing,July 28,1945-11 a.m..FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.901.
    (12)The Ambassador in China(Hurley) to the Secretary of State,ChungKing,August 4,1945-9 a.m..FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.902.
    (13)The Ambassador in China(Hurley) to the Secretary of State,ChungKing,September 9,1945-8 a.m..FRUS,1945,Volume VI.pp.923~924.
    (14)这12人战犯名单具体如下:Honjo,Shigeru; Doihara,Kenji; Tani,Hisao; Hashimoto,Kingoro; Itagaki,Seishiro; Hata,Rokujin(Shunroku); Tojo,Aiki(Hideki); Wachi,Takaji; Kagesa,Sadaaki; Sakai,Takashi; Isogaya(Isogai),Rensuke; Kita,Seiichi.The Chargé in China(Robertson) to the Secretary of State,ChungKing,October 20,1945-5 p.m..FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.948.
    (15)这21人战犯名单如下:General Jiro Minami、General Sadao Araki、Baron Kichiro Hiramnna、General Nobuyuki Abe、Admiral Mitsumasa Yonai、General) Kuniaki Koiso; Admiral Shigetaro Shimada; Koki Hirota; Yosuke Matsuoka,; Shigenori Togo; General Yoshijiro Umezu; General Iwane Matsui; Marshal Juichi Terauchi; Lieutenant General Kadoya Mudakuchi; Masayuki Tani; General Otozo Yamada; Hachiro Arita; Kazui Aoki; Admiral Nobumasa Suetsugu; General Juzo Nishio;(General Masazo) Kawanabe.The Counselor of Embassy in China(Smyth) to the Secretary of State,ChungKing,February 14,1946-2 p.m..FRUS,1946,Volume III.p.410.
    (16)The Chief of Staff(Marshall) to the Commander in Chief,Army Forces,Pacific(McArthur),at Manila,WASHINGTON,16 August,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.909.
    (17)The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom(Winant),Washington,August 23,1945-1 p.m..FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.910.
    (18)The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Commissioner,United Nations War Crimes Commission(Hodgson),Washington,September 27,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.pp.937~938.
    (19)The Secretary of State to the Acing Political Adviser in Japan(Atcheson),Washington,October 15,1945-3 p.m..FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.944.
    (20)The Acing Political Adviser in Japan(Atcheson) to the Secretary of State,Tokyo,October 5,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.940.
    (21)这13人战犯名单是:Sadao Araki; Honjo Shigeru; Itagaki Seishiro; Kanokogi Kazunobu; Kuniaki Koiso; Fusanosuke Kuhara; Kuzuu Yoshihisa; Matsuoka Yosuke; Matsni Iwane; Mazaki Jinzaburo; Minami Jiro; Shiratori Toshio; Yamada Otozo.The Acing Political Adviser in Japan(Atcheson) to the Secretary of State,Tokyo,November 13,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.pp.961~966.
    (22)这22人战犯名单是:Aikawa Yoshisuke; Amau Eiji; Ando Kisaburo; Aoki Kazuo; Goto Fumio; Hata Shunroku; Hiranuma Kiichiro; Hirota Koki; Honda Kumataro; Hoshino Naoki; Konoye Fumimaro; Nishio Toshizo; Oshima Hiroshi; Shioten Nabutaka; Shoriki Matsutaro; Suma Yakichiro; Tada Hayao; Takahashi Sankichi; Tani Masayuki; Toyoda Soemu;Umezu Yoshijiro; Ushiroku Atsushi.The Acing Political Adviser in Japan(Atcheson) to the Secretary of State,Tokyo,November 16,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.pp.967~970.
    (23)The Acing Political Adviser in Japan(Atcheson) to the Secretary of State,Tokyo,December 18,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.985.
    (24)The Acing Political Adviser in Japan(Atcheson) to the Secretary of State,Tokyo,November 13,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.pp.961~966.
    (25)The Acing Political Adviser in Japan(Atcheson) to the Secretary of State,Tokyo,November 19,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.973.
    (26)The Acing Political Adviser in Japan(Atcheson) to the Secretary of State,Tokyo,November 6,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.pp.952~953.
    (27)The Acing Political Adviser in Japan(Atcheson) to the Secretary of State,Tokyo,October 5,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.pp.941~942.
    (28)The Acing Political Adviser in Japan(Atcheson) to the Secretary of State,Tokyo,November 19,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.972.
    (29)The Acing Political Adviser in Japan(Atcheson) to the Secretary of State,Tokyo,November 17,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.pp.971~072.
    (30)The Acing Political Adviser in Japan(Atcheson) to the Secretary of State,Tokyo,December 19,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.pp.985~986.
    (31)这三名战犯分别是:Kenji Sawada; Major Hata; Lt.Wamitsu.
    (32)这11名战犯分别是:Sadao Araki; Shigeru Honjo; Kazunobu Kanokogi; Kuinaki Koiso; Fusanosuke Kuhara; Yoshihisa Kuzuu; Yosuke Matasuoka; Iwane Matsui; Jinzaburo Mazaki; Jiro Minami; Toshio Shiratori.
    (33)Report by Mr.Robert A.Fearey,of the Office of the Political Adviser in Japan.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.974.
    (34)The Acing Political Adviser in Japan(Atcheson) to the Secretary of State,Tokyo,November 30,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.pp.976~978.
    (35)The Acing Political Adviser in Japan(Atcheson) to the Secretary of State,Tokyo,December 20,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.986.
    (36)The Acing Political Adviser in Japan(Atcheson) to the Secretary of State,Tokyo,January 22,1946.FRUS,1946,Volume VIII.p.393.
    (37)The Ambassador in China(Hurley) to the Secretary of State,ChungKing,July 28,1945-11 a.m.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.pp.901~902.
    (38)The Ambassador in China(Hurley) to the Secretary of State,ChungKing,August 4,1945-9 a.m.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.902.
    (39)The Under Secretary of State(Grew) to the Secretary of State,Washington,August 7,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.pp.905~906.
    (40)The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China(Hurley),washington,August 8,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.907.
    (41)Report by the State-War-Navy Coordinating Subcommittee For East,Washington,September 12,1945,FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.936.
    (42)General of the Army Douglas MacArthur to the Chief of Staff,United States Army(Eisenhower),Tokyo,25 January 1946-1:45 p.m..FRUS,1946,Volume III.pp.395~397.
    (43)Mr.Max W.Bishop,of the office of the Political Adviser in Japan,to the Secretary of State,Tokyo,February 16,1946.FRUS,1946,Volume III.pp.412~415.
    (44)Memorandum by the Director of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs(Ballantine),Washington,September 6,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.pp.919~921.
    (45)The Under Secretary of State(Acheson) to the Director of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs(Ballantine),Washington,September 6,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.921.
    (46)Report by the State-War-Navy Coordinating Subcommittee For East,washington,September 12,1945,FRUS,1945,Volume VI.pp.926~936.
    (47)The Secretary of State to the Chinese Ambassador(Wei),Washington,October 18,1945,FRUS,1945,Volume VI.p.947.
    (48)Memorandum by the Acting Chairman of the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee(Matthews) to Secretary of State,Washington,3 October,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.pp.938~939.
    (49)The Secretary of State to the Chinese Ambassador(Wei),Washington,November 21,1945.Volume VI.p.975.
    (50)The Director of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs(Vincent) to the Under Secretary of State(Acheson),Washington,November 27,1945.FRUS,1945,Volume VI.pp.975~976.
    (51)The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Soviet Union(Kennan),Washington,January 8,1946-4 p.m..FRUS,1946,Volume III.p.386.
    (52)The Acting Secretary of State to the Consul General at Manila(Steintorf),Washington,January 18,1946-1 p.m..FRUS,1946,Volume III.p.390.
    (53)The Acting Secretary of State to the Indian Agent General(Bajpai),Washington,January 23,1946.FRUS,1946,Volume III.pp.393~394.
    (54)Memorandum of Conversation,by Mr.Albert H.Garretson,Assistant to the Legal Adviser(Hackworth),Washington,February 4,1946.FRUS,1946,Volume III.pp.399~400.
    (55)Memorandum by the Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs(Henderson) to the Secretary of State,Washington,March 1,1946.FRUS,1946,Volume III.pp.418~420.
