注释: ①Laura K.McClure,ed.,Sexuality and Gender in the Classical World,Oxford:Blackwell Publishers,2002,p.6;利奇德:《古希腊风化史》,杜之、常鸣译,沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,2000年。 ②Ann Oakley,Sex,Gender and Society,London:Maurice Temple Smith Ltd.,1972. ③Gayle Rubin,"The Traffic in Women:Notes on the 'Political Economy' of Sex," in Rayna Reiter,ed.,Toward an Anthropology of Women,New York:Monthly Review Press,1975;该论文的中译本可参见王政、杜芳琴主编:《社会性别研究选译》,北京:三联书店,1998年,第21-81页。 ④周兵:《新文化史:历史学的“文化转向”》,上海:复旦大学出版社,2012年,第2-3页。 ⑤彼得·伯克:《西方新社会文化史》,《历史教学问题》2000年第4期。 ⑥Sarah B.Pomeroy,Goddesses,Whores,Wives and Slaves:Women in Classical Antiquity,New York:Schocken Books,1975. ⑦Sue Blundell,Women in Ancient Greece,Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1995,pp.98-112. ⑧Marilyn B.Skinner,Sexuality in Greek and Roman Culture,Malden,Oxford and Carlton:Blackwell Publishing,2005,pp.1-3. ⑨Kenneth James Dover,"Classsical Greek Attitudes to Sexual Behaviour," Arethusa,vol.6,no.1(Spring 1973),pp.59-73; Laura K.McClure,ed.,Sexuality and Gender in the Classical World,pp.19-33. ⑩Kenneth James Dover,Greek Homosexuality,Cambridge:Harvard University press,1978. (11)中译本参见米歇尔·福柯:《性经验史》,佘碧平译,上海:上海人民出版社,2000年;米歇尔·福柯:《性史》,张廷琛等译,上海:上海科学技术文献出版社,1989年。 (12)Kenneth James Dover,Greek Homosexuality,pp.100-109; Marilyn B.Skinner,Sexuality in Greek and Roman Culture,p.7. (13)参见米歇尔·福柯:《性经验史》,第154页。 (14)Eva Cantarella,Bisexuality in the Ancient World,Second Edition,New Haven and London:Yale University Press,1992,Preface xv-xviii. (15)David M.Halperin,One Hundred Years of Homosexuality and Other Essays on Greek Love,New York:Routledge,1990. (16)大卫·霍尔朴林:《如何书写男同性恋历史》,王政、张颖主编:《男性研究》,上海:上海三联书店,2012年,第217页。 (17)Andrew Lear,"Ancient Pederasty:An Introduction," in Thomas K.Hubbard,ed.,A Companion to Greek and Roman Sexuality,Malden,Oxford and Chichester:Wiley Blackwell,2014,p.102. (18)Robert Flacelière,Love in Ancient Greece,New York:Macfadden-Bartell Corporation,1964,p.43. (19)Andrew Lear,"Ancient Pederasty:An Introduction," pp.102-127. (20)Andrew Lear,"Was Pederasty Problematized? 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(62)Marilyn B.Skinner,"Feminist Theory," p.6. (原文刊于《历史研究》2017年第3期 ) (责任编辑:admin) |