[23]罗得西亚选矿托拉斯主席年度陈述,G1/15/3,1959年10月15日,伦敦经济学院图书馆;英国殖民部档案:CO1015/1747,中非联邦首相罗伊·韦伦斯基向联邦团结党大会作党首报告,1959年9月17日,转引自L.J.Butler,“Business and British Decolonisation”,第469页。 [24]RLP1/5,Correspondence with Amco,H.K.Hochschild 1957,1955-69;Harold Hochschild, “Summary of Talk with Dr.Banda”,16 April1960; WP647/4,Welensky to Millin,13May 1962; WP550/14,Parker to Wynne,5May 1961;in Andrew Cohen, “Business and Decolonisation in Central Africa Reconsidered”,Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth ,Vol.36,No.4,December 2008,pp.649-651. [25] Richard Hall, Zambia, London:Pall Mall Press,1965,p. 150. [26] Northern Rhodesia Legislative Council Debates, 14 September 1949,in Peter Slinn , “Commercial Concessions and Politics during the Colonial Period: The Role of the British South Africa Company in Northern Rhodesia 1890-1964”,African Affairs, Vol. 70, No. 281 (Oct., 1971), p. 379. [27] WP652/10, Welensky to Oppenheimer,15 July1953, in Andrew Cohen, “Business and Decolonisation in Central Africa Reconsidered”,Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth ,Vol.36,No.4,December 2008,p.653. [28] Kahler,Decolonization in Britain and France, Princeton,NJ: Princeton University,pp.268-269. [29] WP652/10,Oppenheimer to Welensky,25December1962, in Andrew Cohen,“Business and Decolonisation in Central Africa Reconsidered”,Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth ,Vol.36,No.4,December 2008,p.653. [30] Peter Slinn , “Commercial Concessions and Politics during the Colonial Period: The Role of the British South Africa Company in Northern Rhodesia, 1890-1964” ,African Affairs, Vol. 70, No. 281 (Oct., 1971), p. 380-382. [31] Prain, Selected Papers, II, p. 124. A. D. Roberts,“ Notes towards a Financial History of Copper Mining in Northern Rhodesia”,Canadian Journal of African Studies,Vol. 16, No. 2, (1982), pp. 347-359. [32] Bostock and Harvey, Economic Independence and Zambian Copper: A Case Study of foreign investment ,New York:Praeger,pp. 48, 51. [33] Arthur Hazlewood, “The Economics of Federation and Dissolution in Central Africa,”in A. Hazlewood, ed., African Integration and Disintegration, London: Oxford University Press, 1967, p.217. [34] Andrew Roberts, A History of Zambia, London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1976, p. 214; Hall, Zambia, p. 265.这个数字包括公司间的业务支付金额,据Hall的估算此一时期“流向海外”的净资产是2亿6000万英镑。 [35] Cunningham, The Copper Industry in Zambia , New York: Praeger, 1981, pp. 195-196, Thomas R. Navin,Copper Mining and Management, Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1978 ,pp. 279-280. [36] Slinn, “Northern Rhodesia mineral rights issue,” p.228,in A.D.Roberts,“Notes towards a Financial History of Copper Mining in Northern Rhodesia”,Canadian Journal of African Studies, Vol. 16, No. 2, (1982), p. 359. [37] 该党是赞比亚非洲人国民大会遭禁后,由原成员成立的新党。当1960年1月卡翁达被释放后,该党很快选举卡翁达为主要领导人。 [38] DO183/205,no236 29 Sept1964[BSAC mineral rights]:minute by G W Jamieson on financial aid to Zambia, in Philip Murphy (ed.), British Documents on the End of Empire:Central Africa,London : HMSO, 2005,第399号文件。 [39] PREM11/5028 , 4Sept1964 “Northern Rhodesia and Chartered”: minute by Mr Boyd-Carpenter to Sir A Douglas-Home;397 PREM11/5028 , 15Sept1964“British South Africa Company(‘Chartered’)Northern Rhodesia”:minute by Sir B Trend to Sir A Douglas-Home, in Philip Murphy (ed.),British Documents on the End of Empire:Central Africa, London : HMSO, 2005,第392号文件。 [40] PREM13/111, 30 Oct 1964, “Zambia:The British South Africa Company”:dispatch by W B L Monson to Mr Bottomley.Annex, in Philip Murphy (ed.),British Documents on the End of Empire:Central Africa, London : HMSO, 2005,第406号文件。 [41] 恩格斯写道:“我们认为,经济条件归根到底制约着历史的发展。种族本身就是一种经济因素”,见《恩格斯致瓦·博尔吉乌斯》,《马克思恩格斯全集》第39卷,人民出版社,1974,第199页。 [42] 国际学界对于合作者的讨论,参见拙作《近二十年来英美学者关于英属黑非洲帝国衰落原因的研究》,《史林》,2010,4。
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