⑤学者们认为“公众史学”和“公共史学”各有千秋。笔者认为“公众史学”回答了公共空间所有权(ownership of the public space)的问题,并能体现与公众对话的平等和多元性,还能体现这一史学实践的人性化。 ⑥这次会议由上海师范大学公众史学研究中心主办,“新历史合作社”承办,是2013年“历史嘉年华”的一部分。 ⑦关于美国公众史学的起源,可参阅:Robert Kelley, "Public History: Its Origins, Nature, and Prospects", The Public Historian, 1 (1), 1978; Ronald J. Grele, "Whose Public? Whose History? What Is the Goal of a Public Historian?" The Public Historian, 3 (1), 1981, pp. 40~48; Barbara J. Howe, " Reflections on an Idea: NCPH' s First Decade", The Public Historian, 11, 1989, pp. 69~85; Philip V. Scarpino, " Common Ground: Reflections on the Past, Present, and Future of Public History and the NCPH", The Public Historian, 16, 1994, pp. 11~21; James. B. Gardner and Peter. S. LaPaglia, Public History: Essays from the Field, Malabar, Fla., Krieger Pub. Co. 1999; Jill Liddington, "What Is Public History? Publics and Their Pasts, Meanings and Practices", Oral History, 30 (1), 2002, pp. 83~93. ⑨Arnita A. Jones, "Public History Now and Then", The Public Historian, 21 (3), 1999, pp. 21~28. ⑩Ronald J. Grele, "Whose Public? Whose History? What Is the Goal of a Public Historian?" The Public Historian, pp. 40~48. (11)(12)(13)Howard Green, "A Critique of the Professional Public History Movement", Radical History Review, 25,1981, pp. 170~171, p. 168, p. 170. (14)Page Putnam Miller, "Reflections on the Public History Movement", The Public Historian, 14 (2), 1992, pp. 67~70. (15)Teaching Public History Program, Mss 21 National Council on Public History Records, Ruth Lily Special Collections and Archives, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis, IN., 1984. (16)Public History, Public Historian, and the American Historical Association: Reports of the Task Force on Public History, Submitted to the Council of the Association, December 2003. (17)Robert Weible, "The Blind Man and His Dog: The Public and Its Historians", The Public Historian, 28 (4), 2006, pp. 8~17. (18)Robert Weible, "Defining Public History: Is It Possible? Is It Necessary?" Public History News, 2008. (19)Donald A. Sch n, The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action, NewYork: Basic Books, 1983, p. 26. 另可参阅Stowe references Donald Schon,Nicolas Maxwell, and Ernest Lynton关于公众史学是一种反思性实践行为的论述,以及Noel J. Stowe, "Public History Curriculum: Illustrating Reflective Practice", The Public Historian, 28(1), 2006, pp. 39~65. (20)Donald A. Sch n, The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action, New York: Basic Books,1983, pp. 11~13. (21)"The one you mention, about winning over 'objective' academic historians at your university, is to be expected and really echoes what goes on here (not every" university in the US is as friendly to public history" as UMass Amherst). The more philosophical one is the place of knowledge generated from the ground up (from the people) in a society that still seems very hierarchical and authoritarian."与戴维格拉斯伯格的2013年4月28日的通信。 (22)Jack M. Holl, "Cultures in Conflict : An Argument against 'Common Ground' between Practicing Professional Historians and Academics", The Public Historian, 30(2), 2008, pp. 30~48. (23)陈新:《“公众史学”的理论基础与学术框架》,《史学月刊》2012年3期。 (24)"Citizen Journalism : Foreign Correspondents", The Economist, June 1st, 2013, p. 61. (25)王希:《西方学术与政治语境下的公众史学——兼论公众史学在中国发展的可行性》,《天津社会科学》2013年第3期。 (26)香港中文大学的比较与公众历史项目的侧重点与大陆的政治和文化环境尚有不同。 (27)这里没有列出博物馆和档案馆方向,因为文博系统在中国有单独的培训体系。方向设置可根据各学校现有的学科优势,同时也应考虑学校的地理位置和辐射能力。在地缘上,美国高校的公众史学项目多在大城市中心或近郊,因为这样的地理优势意味着就业机会和职业网络。 (责任编辑:高尚)
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