(49)Aristotle, Politics, Ⅴ。 Ⅳ。 1304a28; 1321a5. (50)参见黄洋:《古代希腊土地制度研究》,复旦大学出版社1995年,第155页表一。 (51)J. B, Bury, Russell Meiggs, The history of Greece, London: Macmillan education LTD. 1988, P217. (52)Herodotus, The Persian Wars, Ⅷ。 44; J. K. Davies, Athenian Propertied Families: 600-300BC., Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1971. P25.转引自黄洋:《古代希腊土地制度研究》,第127页。 (53)Aristotle, Politics, Ⅶ。 Ⅵ。 1327b8-12. (54)Aristotle, The Athenian Constitution, LⅦ, 2. (55)Aristotle, The Athenian Constitution, Ⅹ LⅢ。 4. (56)Aristotle, The Athenian Constitution, L Ⅹ Ⅱ。 2. (57)M. I. Finley, Economy and Society in Ancient Greece,P58. (58)Aristotle, The Athenian Constitution, Ⅹ Ⅹ Ⅷ。 3;同时参见[古希腊]亚里士多德著、吴寿彭译:《政治学》,商务印书馆1997年版,第73页注释②。 (59)John Salmon: The Economic Role of the Greek City,见 Greece and Rome, Vol. Ⅹ L Ⅵ, No. 2, October 1999.P151. (60)J. A. O. Larsen: Representative Government in Greek andRoman History, Cambridge University Press, 1955, P11. (61)P. J. Rhodes: Athenian Bolue, P5-6. (62)参见G. Glotz: The Greek City and its Institutions, P153 -154. (63)参见G. Glotz: The Greek City and its Institutions, P154. (64)Geoge Willis Botsford; Charles Alexander Robinson, JR.:Hellenic History, forth edition, P158. (65)Aristotle, Politics, Ⅲ。 Ⅹ Ⅲ。 1283b35-40. (66)Aristotle, Politics, Ⅵ。 Ⅴ。 1320a28-30.
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