注释: ①西方学者对演说与雅典民主政治这一论题的关注,可以说是以芬利(Finley)于1962年发表的一篇重要论文《雅典民众领袖》为开端的。芬利注意到掌握演说术对于政治家获得领袖地位所起到的关键作用,同时,他主要从制度角度讨论了演说在雅典民主政治各主要机构运作中的核心地位。(见M. I. Finley,“Athenian Demagogues,”Past and Present,no. 21[Apr. 1962],pp. 3-24)该文具有开创意义,而关于演说与雅典民主政治更为深入的研究,则需建立在对存世演说辞进行充分利用的基础之上,从20世纪80年代开始,西方学者在这方面取得了很大进展。国内一些学者对此也给予了必要的关注,他们在借鉴和吸收西方重要研究成果的基础上,探讨了演说与雅典民主政治的问题,例如晏绍祥《演说家与希腊城邦政治》(《历史研究》2006年第6期);蒋保《演说与雅典民主政治》(《历史研究》2006年第6期);杨巨平、王志超《试论演说家与雅典民主政治的互动》(《世界历史》2007年第4期);李尚君《表演文化与雅典民主政治——以政治演说为考察对象》(《世界历史》2009年第5期)。 ②戈德希尔的表演文化研究思路详见Simon Goldhill and Robin Osborne,eds.,Performance Culture and Athenian Democracy,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1999,pp. 11-15;Simon Goldhill,"Literary History without Literature:Reading Practices in the Ancient World," SubStance,vol. 28,no. 1,1999,pp. 57-89.赫斯克的主要论著:Jon Hesk,Deception and Democracy in Classical Athens,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2000,pp. 4-5;Jon Hesk,"The Rhetoric of Anti-Rhetoric in Athenian Oratory," in Simon Goldhill and Robin Osborne,eds.,Performance Culture and Athenian Democracy,p. 230. ③欧博尔对这种研究思路的早期尝试是其代表作:Josiah Ober,Mass and Elite in Democratic Athens:Rhetoric,Ideology and the Power of the People,Princeton:Princeton University Press,1989. 之后他又对此进行了更新的阐发,见其论文集:Josiah Ober,The Athenian Revolution:Essays on Ancient Greek Democracy and Political Theory,Princeton:Princeton University Press,1996,pp. 4-11. ④参见Douglas M. MacDowell,Demosthenes the Orator,Oxford:Oxford University Press,2009,pp. 5-7. ⑤关于德谟斯提尼公民大会演说辞的情况,参见R. D. Milns,"The Public Speeches of Demosthenes," in Ian Worthington,ed.,Demosthenes:Statesman and Orator,London and New York:Routledge,2000,pp. 205-223. ⑥本文所使用的德谟斯提尼古希腊语文本为牛津新版校勘本:Demosthenis Orationes,edited by M. R. Dilts,Tomus I,Oxford:Oxford University Press,2002.同时参考洛布古典丛书的英译本:Demosthenes,vol. I,with an English translation by J. H. Vince,Loeb Classical Library,Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1930. ⑦Homer,Iliad,9. 443,edited with introduction and commentary by M. M. Willcock,London:Bristol Classical Press,1996.在荷马史诗中,相当于古典时代的logos的词汇是muthos。 ⑧Thucydides,History of the Peloponnesian War,I. 139. 4.笔者所使用的修昔底德古希腊文本为牛津校勘本:Thucydidis Historae,tomus prior,Oxonii:E Typographeo Clarendoniano,1900,reprinted with emended and augmented apparatus criticus 1942;Thucydidis Historiae,tomus posterior,Oxonii:E Typographeo Clarendoniano,1901,second edition 1902,reprinted with emended and augmented apparatus criticus 1942,1949,1953,1956,1960,with revised index nominum 1963,1967,1970,1976,1979. ⑨Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, I. 144-145. ⑩Harvey Yunis, Taming Democracy: Models of Political Rhetoric in Classical Athens, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1996, p. 274. (11)Euripides, Alcestis, 339, edited and translated by David Kovacs, The Loeb Classical Library, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1994. (12)Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, Ⅲ. 67. 6. (13)关于雅典与马其顿的矛盾,参见Edward M. Harris,Aeschines and Athenian Politics,New York,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1995,pp. 42-43; Raphael Sealey,Demosthenes and His Time:A Study in Defeat,New York,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1993,pp. 104-108;Douglas M. MacDowell,Demosthenes the Orator,pp. 210-211. (14)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅰ, 2. (15)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅱ, 3-4. (16)Demosthenes, On the False Embassy, 184. (17)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅲ, 2. (18)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅲ, 3. (19)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅲ, 4. (20)Vincent Farenga, Citizen and Self in Ancient Greece: Individuals Performing Justice and the Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006, p. 545. (21)关于parrēsia,可以参考萨克森豪斯(Saxonhouse)最近的讨论,他指出,不能将parrēsia等同于现代意义上的“言论自由”权利,因为它所体现的不是民众被赋予了言论的权利,而是民众主动地掌控言论。见Arlene W. Saxonhouse,Free Speech and Democracy in Ancient Athens,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2006,pp. 85-99. (22)古希腊人习惯于在两个并列句或并列短语中分别使用小品词men和de,一般用来表示这两个并列句或并列短语在意义上的对比。 (23)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅲ, 54. (24)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅲ, 67. (25)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅲ, 54, 67. (26)Demosthenes, On the Peace, 2. (27)Demosthenes, On the Peace, 12. (28)Harvey Yunis, Taming Democracy: Models of Political Rhetoric in Classical Athens, pp. 249-255. (29)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅲ, 75. (30)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅰ, 9-10. (31)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅰ, 10-11. (32)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅱ, 3. (33)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅱ, 5. (34)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅱ, 1. (35)Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, Ⅲ. 38.4. (36)Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, Ⅲ.38.7. (37)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅰ, 19-22. (38)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅰ, 24. (39)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅰ, 25. (40)雅典人将他们的公民大会法令(psēphisma)又称为dogma,后者来自于动词“认识”(dokeō),可见,公民大会法令被视为民众所达成的某种认识。 (41)Demosthenes, Olynthiac Ⅲ, 14-15. (42)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅰ, 20. (43)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅰ, 30. (44)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅰ, 44. (45)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅰ, 45. (46)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅰ, 45. (47)Demosthenes,Philippic Ⅰ,38-39,引文中tous bouleuomenous,洛布古典丛书译作“政治家”(statesmen),见Demosthenes,vol. I,p.93.笔者认为这种译法不准确,tous bouleuomenous直译为“商议者”,在范围上不仅包括政治商议过程中进行提议的政治家,也包括出席公民大会的其他民众,例如Thucydides,History of the Peloponnesian War,Ⅲ.38.7. (48)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅰ, 26. (49)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅰ, 35-37. (50)Demosthenes, Philippic Ⅰ, 47. (51)Demosthenes, Olynthiac Ⅱ, 30. (52)Demosthenes, Olynthiac Ⅱ, 28-29. (53)Demosthenes, Olynthiac Ⅱ, 30. (54)Demosthenes, Olynthiac Ⅱ, 30. (55)Demosthenes, Olynthiac Ⅱ, 31. (56)Demosthenes, Olynthiac Ⅲ, 10-11. (57)Demosthenes, Olynthiac Ⅲ, 11. (58)Demosthenes, Olynthiac Ⅲ, 31. (59)Demosthenes, Olynthiac Ⅲ, 34-35. (60)FGrH 328 F 56a.笔者所用为CD版本:Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker,CD-ROM edition,Brill,2005.有关“观剧基金”制度的讨论,参见P. J. Rhodes,A Commentary on the Aristotelian Athenaion Politeia, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981, pp. 514-517; Raphael Sealey, Demosthenes and His Time: A Study in Defeat, pp. 256-258; Mogens Herman Hansen, The Athenian Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes: Structure, Principles and Ideology, Oxford: Blackwell, 1990, pp. 98, 263-264. (61)包括改革战舰捐助制度,废除雅典与马其顿之间的《腓罗克拉底和平协定》,与忒拜建立联盟,并于公元前338年与马其顿开战,即喀罗尼亚战争。参见Demosthenes,On the Crown,73,102-107,139;Aeschines,Against Ctesiphon,55,222;The Loeb Classical Library,London:William Heinemann,1919;Diodorus Siculus,The Library of History,ⅩⅥ. 77.2,The Loeb Classical Library,Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1963;Raphael Sealey,Demosthenes and His Time:A Study in Defeat,pp.179-193. (62)Demosthenes,On the False Embassy,291,并参见Gottfried Mader,"Pax Duello Mixta:Demosthenes and the Rhetoric of War and Peace," The Classical Journal,vol. 101,no. 1,2005,p. 15. (63)关于德谟斯提尼存世演说辞的时间排列,参见Douglas M. MacDowell,Demosthenes the Orator,p 12.汉森推测,德谟斯提尼的存世公民大会演说辞之所以主要集中于这一时期,可能是由于当时雅典民众并未接受他的反马其顿政策,故而以文本形式发表演说辞,用来宣传自己的政策,而到公元前330年代民众普遍接受其政策时,则无需再发表这类演说辞。见Mogens Herman Hansen,The Athenian Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes:Structure,Principles and Ideology,p.7.关于德谟斯提尼公民大会演说辞写作目的的问题,还可以参见亚当斯(Adams)在更早的时候所进行的讨论,Charles Darwin Adams,"Are the Political 'Speech' of Demosthenes to Be Regarded as Political Pamphlets?" Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association,vol. 43,1912,pp. 5-22. (64)Aristotle, Politics, 1291a25-30, The Loeb Classical Library, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1932. (65)Aristotle, Politics, 1252a1-5. (66)Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, Ⅵ. 15. 3-4. (67)Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, Ⅵ. 16. 1-4. (68)参见亚里士多德《政治学》中有关平等问题的讨论:Aristotle,Politics,1280a10-25. (69)Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, Ⅵ. 17. 3-4. (70)Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, Ⅵ. 18. 6. (71)参见晏绍祥:《演说家与希腊城邦政治》,《历史研究》2006年第6期。 (责任编辑:admin) |