注释: ①彼得·伯克著,杨豫等译:《欧洲近代早期的大众文化》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年,序,第1页。 ②郭于华主编:《仪式与社会变迁》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2000年,第1页。 ③Bernard S. Cohn, "History and Anthropology: The State of Play," Comparative Studies in Society and History 22.2 (Apr., 1980): 218. ④彼得·伯克:《欧洲近代早期的大众文化》,第251页。 ⑤克洛德·列维-斯特劳斯著,周昌忠译:《神话学:生食和熟食》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2007年,第373页。 ⑥爱德华·汤普森著,沈汉、王加丰译:《共有的习惯》,上海:上海人民出版社,2002年,第515页。 ⑦Douglas Gray, "Rough Music: Some Early Invectives and Flytings," The Yearbook of English Studies 14(1984): 25. ⑧Adam Fox, "Ballads, Libels and Popular Ridicule in Jacobean England," Past & Present 145 (1994); Martin Ingram, "Ridings, Rough Music and Mocking Rhymes in Early Modem England," in Barry Reay ed., Popular Culture In Seventeenth-Century England (London: Croom Helm, 1985) 178-186. ⑨爱德华·汤普森:《共有的习惯》,第522页。 ⑩Martin Ingrain, "Ridings, Rough Music and the 'Reform of Popular Culture' in Early Modem England," Past & Present, No. 105 (Nov., 1984): 87-90. (11)B. Howard Cunnington, "A Skimmington in 1618," Folklore 41.3(1930): 287. (12)Ibid, 289. (13)Martin Ingram, "Ridings, Rough Music and Mocking Rhymes in Early Modem England," p. 168. (14)克洛德·列维-斯特劳斯:《神话学:生食和熟食》,第373页。 (15)Violet Alford, "Rough Music or Charivari," Folklore 70. 4 (Dec., 1959): 506. (16)Natalie Zemon Davis, "The Reasons of Misrule: Youth Groups and Charivaris in Sixteenth-Century France," Past & Present 50 (Feb., 1971): 52-53. (17)克洛德·列维-斯特劳斯:《神话学:生食和熟食》,第375~376、382页。 (18)David Underdown, "The Taming of the Scold: the Enforcement of Patriarchal Authority in Early Modem England," eds. Anthony Fletcher and John Stevenson, Order and Disorder in Early Modern England (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985) 129-131; Malcolm Jones, "Folklore Motifs in Late Medieval Art II: Sexist Satire and Popular Punishments," Folklore 101.1 (1990): 75. (19)托马斯·哈代著,曾胡译:《卡斯特桥市长》,南京:译林出版社,2002年,第39章。 (20)Loretta T. Johnson, "Charivari/Shivaree: A European Folk Ritual on the American Plains," Journal of Interdisciplinary History 20. 3 (Winter, 1990): 376. (21)Natalie Zemon Davis, "The Reasons of Misrule," p. 54, p. 64. (22)彼得·伯克:《欧洲近代早期的大众文化》,第240页。 (23)Martin Ingram, "Ridings, Rough Music and the 'Reform of Popular Culture' in Early Modem England," p. 93. (24)(27)(30)爱德华·汤普森:《共有的习惯》,第525、526、539,527~528页。 (25)L. F. Newman, "Some Notes on Life in East Anglian Villages in the Early Part of the Nineteenth Century, " Folklore 56. 2 (Jun., 1945): 253. (26)Graham Seal, "A Hussitting in Berkshire, 1930," Folklore 98. 1(1987). "Hussitting"最初指反对胡斯(John Huss)信徒的行动。 (28)Violet Alford, "Rough Music or Charivari," 507; Martin Ingram, "Ridings, Rough Music and Mocking Rhymes in Early Modem England," pp.172-170;爱德华·汤普森:《共有的习惯》,第523~424页;彼得·伯克:《欧洲近代早期的大众文化》,第239页。 (29)David Underdown, "The Taming of the Scold," 128. (31)杰弗雷·乔叟著,方重译:《坎特伯雷故事》,北京:人民文学出版社,2004年,253页。 (32)Elizabeth Foyster, "Male Honour, Social Control and Wife Beating in Late Smart England," Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Sixth Series 6 (1996): 216. (33)Russell P. Dobash and R. Emerson Dobash, "Community Response to Violence against Wives: Charivari, Abstract Justice and Patriarchy," Social Problems 28. 5. (1981): 566-567. (34)Samuel Butler, Hudibras (London, 1805) Part II Canto II, lines 585-664. (35)Samuel Butler, Hudibras, Part II Canto II, lines 705-712. (36)里夏德·范迪尔门著,王亚平译:《欧洲近代生活·村庄与城市》,北京:东方出版社,2004年,第168页。 (37)(38)Martin Ingrain, "Ridings, Rough Music and the 'Reform of Popular Culture' in Early Modem England," pp. 95, 99-100. (39)David Underdown, "The Taming of the Scold", 121; 关于“在上的女人”参见:Natalie Zemon Davis, "Women on top," in Natalie Zemon Davis, Society and Culture in Early Modem France (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1975). (40)(43)(44)彼得·伯克:《欧洲近代早期的大众文化》,第242、246、241页。 (41)(45)爱德华·汤普森:《共有的习惯》,第529、555页。 (42)(47)Martin Ingrain, "Ridings, Rough Music and the 'Reform of Popular Culture' in Early Modem England," pp. 100-104, 109. (46)Martin Ingram, "Ridings, Rough Music and Mocking Rhymes in Early Modem England," 171; Martin Ingram, "Ridings, Rough Music and the Reform of Popular Culture' in Early Modem England," p. 93. (48)Nicholas Rogers, "Popular Pretest in Early Hanoverian London," Past & Present 79 (1978): 77-78, 87. (49)David Rollison, "Property, Ideology and Popular Culture in a Gloucestershire Village 1660-1740," Past & Present 93 (Nov., 1981): 73. (50)David Rollison, "Property, Ideology and Popular Culture in a Gloucestershire Village," p. 96. (51)Graham Seal, "A Hussitting in Berkshire," p. 91. (52)爱德华·汤普森:《共有的习惯》,第559页。 (53)Martin Gorsky, "James Tuckfield's 'Ride': Combination and Social Drama in Early Nineteenth-Century Bristol," Social History 19. 3 (Oct., 1994): 319. (54)Charles Tilly, "Getting it Together in Burgundy, 1675-1975," Theory and Society 4. 4 (1977): 491-493. (55)Allan Greer, "From Folklore to Revolution: Charivaris and the Lower Canadian Rebellion of 1837," Social History 15. 1 (1990): 38. (56)Dale Cockrell, "Jim Crow, Demon of Disorder," American Music 14. 2 (1996): 168. (57)查尔斯·蒂利著,谢岳译:《集体暴力的政治》,上海:上海人民出版社,2006年,第15页。 (58)查尔斯·蒂利著,胡位钧译:《社会运动,1768~2004),上海:上海人民出版社,2009年,第16~29页。 (59)Loretta T. Johnson, "Charivari/Shivaree," p. 380, p. 382. (责任编辑:admin) |