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    ①参见David L.Smith,Constitutional Royalism and the Search for Settlement,c.1640-1649,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1994,chs.1-4,esp.p.7。
    ②关于史密斯的批评,参见David Scott,Rethinking Royalist Politics,1642-1649,John Adamson,editor,The English Civil War:Conflict and Contexts,1640-1649,Basingstoke:Palgrave Macmillan,2009,pp.37-44; and Paul Seaward,Constitutional and Unconstitutional Royalism,Historical Journal,No.40,1997,pp.227-231。
    ③参见David Scott,Rethinking Royalist Politics,1642-1649,p.44。关于赫顿的研究,参见Ronald Hutton,The Structure of the Royalist Party,1642-1646,The Historical Journal,No.24,1981,pp.553-569。
    ④参见David L.Smith,Constitutional Royalism and the Search for Settlement,c.1640-1649,pp.62-106。
    ⑤参见David L.Smith,Constitutional Royalism and the Search for Settlement,c.1640-1649,pp.98-106。
    ⑥参见Quentin Skinner,Some Problems in the Analysis of Political Thought and Action,Political Theory,No.2,1974,pp.277-303。
    ⑦参见David L.Smith,Constitutional Royalism and the Search for Settlement,c.1640-1649,pp.39-61。
    ⑧时人记叙见Sir Philip Warwick,Meemoires of the reign of King Charles I with a continuation to the happy Restauration of King Charles II,London,1701,pp.194-199。关于现代学者观点,参见S.R.Gardiner,History of England from the Accession of Jame I to the Outbreak of the Great Civil War,1603-1642,10 vols.,London:Longmans,Green and Co,1884,ix,pp.415-416; Richard Cust,Charles I:A Political Life,Harlow:Pearson Longman,2007,p.296,329; Conrad Russell,The Fall of the British Monarchies,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1991,pp.344-345,368-369。
    ⑨B.H.G.Wormald,Clarendon:Politics,history and religion 1640-1660,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1989,pp.1-121;其他研究包括Paul Seaward,Clarendon,Tacitism,and the Civil Wars of Europe,Huntington Library Quaterly,No.68,March,2005,pp.289-311; Martin Dzelzainis,Edward Hyde and Thomas Hobbes's Elements of Law,Natural and Politic,The Historical Journal,No.32,1989,pp.303-331; Perez Zagorin,Clarendon and Hobbes,The Journal of Modern History,No.57,1985,pp.593-616; Paul Seaward,Hyde,Edward,first earl of Clarendon(1609-1674),H.C.G.Matthew and Brian Harrison,editors,Oxford Dictionary of National Biography,60 vols.,Oxford:Oxford University Press,2004,xxxiv,pp.120-138; Jacqueline Rose,Sir Edward Hyde and the Problem of Counsel in Mid-Seventeenth-Century Royalist Thought,Jacqueline Rose,editor,The Politics of Counsel in England and Scotland,1286-1707,Oxford University Press,2016,pp.249-270。
    ⑩参见Edward Hyde,The Life of Edward,Earl of Clarendon,2 vols.,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1857,i,pp.67-68; Esther S.Cope and Willson H.Coates,editors,Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640,London:Camden Society,1977,pp.260-262; Sir Thomas Aston,The Short Parliament (1640) Diary of Sir Thomas Aston,editor,Judith D.Maltby,London:Camden Society,1988,p.12; Sir Simonds D'Ewes,The Journal of Sir Simonds D'Ewes,from the Beginning of the Long Parliament to the Opening of the Trial of the Earl of Strafford,editor,Wallace Notestein,New Haven,CT:Yale University Press,1923,pp.54,125,375-377; House of Commons Journal Volume 2:19 February 1641,Journal of the House of Commons,ii,London:Stationery Office,1802,p.89,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/commons-jrnl/vol2/p89。
    (11)参见Edward Hyde,Mr.Hides Argvment before the Lords in the Vpper Hovse of Parliament,Aprill 1641.,London,1641; House of Commons Journal Volume 2:26 Apr.,1641,Journal of the House of Commons,ii,p.128,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/commons-jrnl/vol2/p128; House of Lords Journal Volume 4:26 April 1641,Journal of the House of Lords,London:Stationery Office,1767-1830,iv,pp.226-227,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/lords-jrnl/vol4/pp226-227。
    (12)参见Sir Simonds D'Ewes,The Journal of Sir Simonds D'Ewes,from the Beginning of the Long Parliament to the Opening of the Trial of the Earl of Strafford,editor,Wallace Notestein,pp.63,117,176,255,263,307,311,352-353; Edward Hyde,Mr.Edvvard Hydes Speech…at the Transmission of the severall Impeachments against the Lord Chiefe Barron Damport,Mr.Barron Trevor,and Mr.Barron Weston,London,1641。
    (13)参见John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,London:Phoenix Books,2009,p.206,and footnote。
    (14)参见House of Commons Journal Volume 2:18 Feb.,1641,Journal of the House of Commons,ii,p.88,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/commons-jrnl/vol2/p88。
    (15)House of Commons Journal Volume 2:28 Apr.,1641,' Journal of the House of Commons,ii,pp.129-130,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/commons-jrnl/vol2/pp129-130; John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,p.226,and n.63。
    (16)Sir Simonds D'Ewes,The Journal of Sir Simonds D'Ewes from the First Recess of the Long Parliament to the Withdrawal of King Charles from London,editor,Willson H.Coates,New Haven,CT:Yale University Press,1942,p.45.
    (17)参见Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,Oxford:Clarendon Press 1888,i,pp.270-271,311,362-363,402-403; Sir Simonds D'Ewes,The Journal of Sir Simonds D'Ewes,from the Beginning of the Long Parliament to the Opening of the Trial of the Earl of Strafford,editor,Wallace Notestein,p.337; Gardiner,History of England,ix,281,387; Sir Simonds D'Ewes,The Journal of Sir Simonds D'Ewes from the First Recess of the Long Parliament to the Withdrawal of King Charles from London,editor,Willson H.Coates,p.151; John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,p.331。
    (18)参见Sir Simonds D'Ewes,The Journal of Sir Simonds D'Ewes from the First Recess of the Long Parliament to the Withdrawal of King Charles from London,editor,Willson H.Coates,p.45; John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,p.419; Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,pp.444-445。
    (19)Edward Hyde,State Papers Collected by Edward,Earl of Clarendon,3 Vols.,Oxford:Clarendon Printing House,1767-1786,ii,pp.358,363.
    (20)Edward Hyde,The Life of Edward,Earl of Clarendon,i,89.
    (21)相关概念解析,参见Alan Cromartie,The Constitutionalist Revolution:An Essay on the History of England,1450-1642,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2006,pp.23-30; J.H.Burns,Fortescue and the Political Theory of Dominium,The Historical Journal,No.28,1985,pp.777-797,esp.777-785; Michael Mendle,Parliamentary sovereignty:a very English absolutism,Nicholas Phillipson and Quentin Skinner,editors,Political Discourse in Early Modern Britain,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press 1993,pp.102-107。波考克认为,海德是这种观念的信徒,参见J.G.A.Pocock,The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law:A Study of English Historical Thought in the Seventeenth Century,A Reissue with a Retrospect,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1987,p.307。
    (22)参见Esther S.Cope and Willson H.Coates,editors,Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640,pp.171-174; Sir Thomas Aston,The Short Parliament (1640) Diary of Sir Thomas Aston,editor,Judith D.Maltby,pp.35-44; Esther S.Cope,Compromise in Early Stuart Parliaments:The Case of the Short Parliament of 1640,Albion:A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies,No.9,1977,pp.135-145。
    (23)Edward Hyde,The Life of Edward,Earl of Clarendon,i,68-69.
    (24)参见Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,pp.219,222; John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,Prologue and chs.1-3; Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,pp.241-250。据亚当森的研究,奸徒两大领导人是贝德福德伯爵(the Earl of Bedford)和沃里克伯爵(the Earl of Warwick),其他上院成员包括埃塞克斯伯爵(the Earl of Essex)、彭布鲁克伯爵(the Earl of Pembroke)、曼德维尔勋爵(Lord Mandeville)、塞伊与希尔勋爵(Lord Saye and Sele,简称“塞伊”)以及布鲁克勋爵(Lord Brooke);他们在下院中的骨干包括约翰·皮姆(John Pym)、奥利弗·圣约翰(Oliver St John)、纳桑尼尔·费恩斯(Nathaniel Fiennes,塞伊次子)、约翰·汉普登(John Hampden)和邓齐尔·霍勒斯(Denzil Holles)。海德认为,奸徒在上院的领导人为贝德福德、塞伊与曼德维尔,下院的领导人则是皮姆、汉普登和霍勒斯。
    (25)参见Speeches and Passages of this Great and Happy Parliament,from the third of November,1640,to this instant June,1641,London,1641,p.5; S.R.Gardiner,editor,Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution,1625-1660,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1906,pp.144-155; Speeches and Passages of this Great and Happy Parliament,from the third of November,1640,to this instant June,1641,p.6; Venice:March 1641,Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice,xxv,editor,Allen B.Hinds,London:Stationery Office,1924,pp.117-126,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/venice/vol25/pp117-126。
    (26)参见John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,p.139-140,141-161,195-203,510。根据亚当森的研究,“沃里克派”的核心力量为沃里克、埃塞克斯、布鲁克和阿瑟·海瑟里吉(Arthur Hesilrige),而“贝德福德派”的核心力量则是贝德福德、塞伊以及皮姆。值得留意的是,当时最为杰出的下议院皮姆正与贝德福德配合,组织一条相对温和的改革阵线,将改革的焦点首先集中在政府财政问题上(Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,280.)而没有要求对教会体制进行激进改革(Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,pp.308-309.)。霍勒斯也并不支持废除主教制(Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,p.309)。关于贝德福德的威望与行动,参见Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,pp.318,327,333-334; John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,chs.1-10,passim; Conrad Russell,Russell,Francis,fourth earl of Bedford,H.C.G.Matthew and Brian Harrison,editors,Oxford Dictionary of National Biography,xlviii,pp.244-245; Clayton Roberts,The Earl of Bedford and the Coming of the English Revolution,The Journal of Modern History,No.49,1977,pp.608-609。
    (27)关于请愿书与抗议书,参见House of Commons Journal Volume 2:11 Dec.,1640,Journal of the House of Commons,ii,p.49,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/commons-jrnl/vol2/p49; House of Commons Journal Volume 2:23 Jan.,1641,Journal of the House of Commons,ii,pp.71-72,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/commons-jrnl/vol2/pp71-72。对于查理一世将教会体制倒退回伊丽莎白一世时代的建议,大多数议员的反应殊为平淡,更有甚者还抱有相当的敌意。见Robert Baillie,The Letters and Journals of Robert Baillie,A.M.Principal of the University of Glasgow,1637-1662,editor,David Laing,3 Vols.,Edinburgh:Bannatyne Club,1841-1842,i,p.292; Sir Simonds D'Ewes,The Journal of Sir Simonds D'Ewes,from the Beginning of the Long Parliament to the Opening of the Trial of the Earl of Strafford,editor,Wallace Notestein,p.281。
    (28)参见Robert Baillie,The Letters and Journals of Robert Baillie,A.M.Principal of the University of Glasgow,1637-1662,editor,David Laing,i,p.298。
    (29)参见Sir Simonds D'Ewes,The Journal of Sir Simonds D'Ewes,from the Beginning of the Long Parliament to the Opening of the Trial of the Earl of Strafford,editor,Wallace Notestein,pp.335-336;关于辩论的详情及深入分析,见John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,pp.180-187。
    (30)Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,pp.270-271.
    (31)参见Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,p.310;‘Venice:Mar.,1641,’ in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice,xxv,editor,Allen B.Hinds,pp.126-134,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/venice/vol25/pp126-134。
    (32)参见Robert Baillie,The Letters and Journals of Robert Baillie,A.M.Principal of the University of Glasgow,1637-1662,editor,David Laing,i,p.308; House of Commons Journal Volume 2:10 Mar.,1641,Journal of the House of Commons,ii,pp.100-101,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/commons-jrnl/vol2/pp100-101。
    (33)参见John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,pp.172-176; Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,p.309; Robert Baillie,The Letters and Journals of Robert Baillie,A.M.Principal of the University of Glasgow,1637-1662,editor,David Laing,i,pp.308-309。
    (34)参见本文第3部分第4自然段引述海德关于主教在上院席位之观点。如此论证,并不能直接回应反对派之关切。与此相异的是福尔克兰勋爵2月8日之论辩。他虽反对将伦敦《根枝请愿书》中的意见付诸实施,却建议以《教士抗议书》为蓝本推行改革;他指出,如果有针对性地革除教会体制中各项弊病,“我们根本无需落实伦敦请愿书”。福尔克兰就引发激进清教徒及其支持力量忧虑与批评的问题给出了一种不触及主教制的解决方案,进而在议会辩论中有效组织起了维护既定教会体制的力量。参见Lucius Cary,2nd Viscount of Falkland,A Speech Made to the Hovse of Commons Concerning Episcopacy,London,1641。
    (35)关于斯特拉福德审判的细节,参见John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,chs.8-10.关于“奸徒”内部的分歧与贝德福德派就此展开的公关活动,参见John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,259-268; BulstrodeWhitelocke,Memorials of the English Affairs,from the Beginning of the Reign of Charles the First to the Happy Restoration of King Charles the Second,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1813,p.120; Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,pp.318-321,334。贝德福德授意海德劝说埃塞克斯放斯特拉福德一条生路,但海德的两次游说均遭埃塞克斯回绝(Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,pp.318-321.)。
    (36)参见John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,p.267; Venice:Apr.,1641,Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice,xxv,editor,Allen B.Hinds,xxv,pp.134-141,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/venice/vol25/pp134-141。
    (37)参见John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,pp.268-275。海德认为,促使褫夺公权法通过的两大因素是军队阴谋的流言与贝德福德之死,参见Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,pp.322,333-335。
    (38)Adamson,The Noble Revolt,275-299; Conrad Russell,The First Army Plot of 1641,Unrevolutionary England,London:Hambledon Press,1990,pp.281-302.
    (39)参见Bulstrode Whitelocke,Memorials of the English Affairs,from the Beginning of the Reign of Charles the First to the Happy Restoration of King Charles the Second,pp.125-126; John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,p.242。
    (40)伦敦“上下震恐,全城武装”;伦敦人民也“高呼对斯特拉福德伯爵行正义之举(按:即处斩之)”。见Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,p.337; Bulstrode Whitelocke,Memorials of the English Affairs,from the Beginning of the Reign of Charles the First to the Happy Restoration of King Charles the Second,p.130; Venice:May 1641,Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice,xxv,editor,Allen B.Hinds,xxv,1640-1642,pp.141-158,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/venice/vol25/pp141-158.
    (41)参见David Cressy,The Protestation Protested,1641 and 1642,The Historical Journal,No.45,2002,pp.253-256,258,259。
    (42)参见John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,pp.332-335,396-405; David Stevenson,The Scottish Revolution,1637-1644,Edinburgh:John Donald Short Run Press,2003,pp.224-225,227-228,238-239; Iohn Thomas,The Discovery of a late and Bloody Conspiracie at Edinburg,in Scotland,London,1641。
    (43)1641年5月27日,《根枝法案》在下院以139票支持、108票反对获得通过;这意味着保全主教制与主教上院席位的前景比二月黯淡远甚。尽管上院否决了《根枝法案》,反对势力也在退潮。参见House of Commons Journal Volume 2:27 May 1641,Journal of the House of Commons,ii,pp.158-160,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/commons-jrnl/vol2/pp158-160.Richard Cust,Charles I and the Aristocracy,1625-1642,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2013,pp.239-240。
    (44)参见S.R.Gardiner,editor,Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution,1625-1660,pp.164,165-166; John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,pp.335-337。
    (45)参见Edward Hyde,The Life of Edward,Earl of Clarendon,i,pp.74-75。
    (46)参见Edward Hyde,The Life of Edward,Earl of Clarendon,i,p.75,89。
    (47)参见S.R.Gardiner,editor,Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution,1625-1660,pp.137-144; Tim Harris,Rebellion:Britain's First Stuart Kings,1567-1642,Oxford:Oxford University Press,2014,pp.412-415; Lambert B.Larking,editor,Proceedings principally in the County of Kent in Connection with the Parliaments Called in 1640,London:Camden Society,1862,pp.113-119,121-122,132,148。
    (48)参见A Speech when Master Hide was in the Chair upon the Bill concerning Episcopacie,London,1641。
    (49)参见Anthony Fletcher,The Outbreak of the English Civil War,London:Edward Arnold,1981,p.100; Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,p.314; Sir Edward Dering,A Collection of Speeches made by Sir Edward Dering…in matters of Religion,London,1642,pp.64-65。
    (50)Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,p.314.
    (51)参见House of Commons Journal Volume 2:27 May 1641,Journal of the House of Commons,ii,pp.158-160,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/commons-jrnl/vol2/pp158-160; Sir Edward Dering,A Collection of Speeches made by Sir Edward Dering…in matters of Religion.,pp.66-78。
    (52)Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,p.311; Sir Simonds D'Ewes,The Journal of Sir Simonds D'Ewes from the First Recess of the Long Parliament to the Withdrawal of King Charles from London,editor,Willson H.Coates,p.45.
    (53)参见Sir Simonds D'Ewes,The Journal of Sir Simonds D'Ewes from the First Recess of the Long Parliament to the Withdrawal of King Charles from London,editor,Willson H.Coates,pp.45-47。
    (54)参见John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,pp.410-411。
    (55)参见Sir Simonds D'Ewes,The Journal of Sir Simonds D'Ewes from the First Recess of the Long Parliament to the Withdrawal of King Charles from London,editor,Willson H.Coates,pp.30-32。
    (56)参见Johann P.Sommerville,Royalists and Patriots:Politics and Ideology in England,1603-1640,2nd ed.,Harlow:Pearson Longman,1999,pp.45-46,75-76,97,126,146,132,195。
    (57)参见Edward Hyde,Mr.Edvvard Hydes Speech…at the Transmission of the severall Impeachments against the Lord Chiefe Barron Damport,Mr.Barron Trevor,and Mr.Barron Weston,pp.11-12。
    (58)参见Robert Ashton,The English Civil War:Conservatism and Revolution,1603-1649,2nd ed.,London:Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1989,p.145-148。笔者在完成全文后才接触到阿什顿的著作并得知本节大部分内容的逻辑与其相似。但是,笔者选取的若干细节证据与之相异,且阿什顿书中未见本节最后一段的分析。
    (59)1641年秋冬,伦敦公共场所中不时出现抨击“奸徒”的张贴报。参见朱斯蒂尼安发往国内的密信:Venice:Oct.,1641,Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice,xxv,editor,Allen B.Hinds,pp.221-231,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/venice/vol25/pp221-231; Venice:Nov.,1641,Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice,xxv,editor,Allen B.Hinds,pp.231 -242,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/venice/vol25/pp231-242。
    (60)参见John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,pp.392-395,410,418-420,430,431; Richard Cust,Charles I and the Aristocracy,1625-1642,pp.250-260。
    (61)参见House of Commons Journal Volume 2:22 Nov.,1641,Journal of the House of Commons,ii,322,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/commons-jrnl/vol2/p322; S.R.Gardiner,editor,Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution,1625-1660,pp.202-232; Tim Harris,Rebellion:Britain's First Stuart Kings,1567-1642,p.448。
    (62)参见Edward Hyde,The Life of Edward,Earl of Clarendon,i,pp.79-81。
    (63)参见Charles I,His Majesties Declaration,To all His Loving Subjects:Published with the Advice of His Privie Councell,London,1641,title page,pp.7-15,16-17。
    (64)参见Speeches and Passages of This Great and Happy Parliament,from the Third of November,1640,to This Instant June,1641,pp.5-6。
    (65)参见William Douglas Hamilton,editor,Calendars of State Papers,Domestic:Charles I,1641-1643,London:Stationery Office,1887,p.192,202,206; Venice:Nov.,1641,Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice,xxv,editor,Allen B.Hinds,pp.253-266,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/venice/vol25/pp253-266。
    (66)参见Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,pp.448,471-474; John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,pp.473-474,pp.482-484; Richard Cust,Charles I and the Aristocracy,1625-1642,pp.260-261,264-265。
    (67)参见Brian Manning,The English People and the English Revolution,London:Penguin Books,1978,pp.87-88。
    (68)参见Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,pp.471-473。
    (69)参见Sir Simonds D'Ewes,The Journal of Sir Simonds D'Ewes from the First Recess of the Long Parliament to the Withdrawal of King Charles from London,editor,Willson H.Coates,p.366。
    (70)Venice:Dec.,1642,Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice,xxv,editor,Allen B.Hinds,pp.267-286,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/venice/vol25/pp267-286.
    (71)Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,p.496.
    (72)参见House of Commons Journal Volume 2:7 Dec.,1641,Journal of the House of Commons,ii,pp.334-335,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/commons-jrnl/vol2/pp334-335。
    (73)关于该法案迅速通过二读,参见Sir Simonds D'Ewes,The Journal of Sir Simonds D'Ewes from the First Recess of the Long Parliament to the Withdrawal of King Charles from London,editor,Willson H.Coates,p.346; House of Commons Journal Volume 2:24 Dec.,1641,in Journal of the House of Commons,ii,pp.355-357,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/commons-jrnl/vol2/pp355-357。
    (74)参见Sir Simonds D'Ewes,The Journal of Sir Simonds D'Ewes from the First Recess of the Long Parliament to the Withdrawal of King Charles from London,editor,Willson H.Coates,p.367 and n.15; Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,p.474。
    (75)参见John Adamson,The Noble Revolt:The Overthrow of Charles I,pp.493-499。
    (76)参见House of Commons Journal Volume 2:5 Jan.,1642,in Journal of the House of Commons,ii,pp.368-369,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/commons-jrnl/vol2/pp368-369。
    (77)Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,p.487.
    (78)Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,p.487.
    (79)Edward Hyde,State Papers Collected by Edward,Earl of Clarendon,ii,p.139.
    (80)参见Edward Hyde,History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,Begun in the Year of 1641,editor,William Dunn Macray,i,p.487。
    (81)首先,他勉力维持下院的保王党势力;其次,他秘密为国王起草诏令,以此替国王与议会谈判;其三,他作为保王党阵营中的温和派领袖,通过密信向国王提出各种建议。Edward Hyde,The Life of Edward,Earl of Clarendon,i,p.83; B.H.G.Wormald,Clarendon:Politics,History and Religion 1640-1660,pp.83-111。海德出于个人安危叮嘱国王将信件阅后付丙,故绝大多数密信已亡佚,参见Edward Hyde,State Papers Collected by Edward,Earl of Clarendon,ii,p.139。
    (82)参见House of Lords Journal Volume 4:5 Feb.,1642,Journal of the House of Lords,iv,pp.564-565,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/lords-jrnl/vol4/pp564-565; House of Lords Journal Volume 4:5 Mar.,1642,Journal of the House of Lords,iv,pp.625-629,http://www.british-history.ac.uk/lords-jrnl/vol4/pp625-629。
    (83)参见Edward Hyde,The Life of Edward,Earl of Clarendon,i,p.113。
    (84)参见Conrad Russell,The Fall of the British Monarchies,p.454。
    (85)参见Quentin Skinner,Some Problems in the Analysis of Political Thought and Action,pp.277-303; Quentin Skinner,Meaning and Understanding in the History of Ideas,History and Theory,No.8,1969,pp.3-53。斯金纳强调,其个人旨趣主要强调语言语境的意义,但笔者认为事件语境之重要性不可贬低,类似观点参见Dominick LaCapra,Rethinking Intellectual History and Reading Texts,Rethinking Intellectual History:Texts,Contexts,Language,Ithaca,NY:Cornell University Press,1983,pp.23-71。
    (86)相关的史学史梳理与批评,参见John Adamson,Introduction:High Roads and Blind Alleys-The English Civil War and its Historiography,John Adamson,editor,The English Civil War:Conflict and Contexts,1640-1649,Basingstoke:Palgrave Macmillan,2009,pp.1-35; Nicholas Tyacke,Introduction:locating the “English Revolution”,Nicholas Tyacke,editor,The English Revolution,c.1590-1720:Politics,Religion,and Communities,Manchester:Manchester University Press,2007,pp.1-26; Glenn Burgess,Introduction:Religion and the Historioraphy of the English Civil War,Charles W.A.Prior and Glenn Burgess,editors,England's Wars of Religion,Revisited,Farnham:Ashgate,2011,pp.1-26。
    (87)参见Richard Cust,Charles I and the Aristocracy,1625-1642,ch.5; Richard Cust,Charles I:A Political Life,pp.268-358,passim; Tim Harris,Rebellion:Britain's Stuart Kings,1567-1642,pp.457-477。
    (88)许多政治思想史和宗教史学者都认为不能简单地将问题归并到单一解释上。关于长时段叙述,参见Glenn Burgess,British Political Thought,1500-1660:The Politics of the Post-Reformation,Basingstoke:Palgrave Macmillan,2009,chs.1-5。关于一些具体问题的分析,参见Charles W.A.Prior and Glenn Burgess,editors,England's Wars of Religion,Revisited; Glenn Burgess,Was the English Civil War a War of Religion? The Evidence of Political Propaganda,Huntington Library Quarterly,No.61,1998,pp.173-201。
    (89)2017年11月初于美国科罗拉多州丹佛市举行的北美英国研究论坛上有一讨论组“后修正派之后的斯图亚特王朝早期政治研究”(Early Stuart Politics after Post-Revisionism)。该组参与者分别从东印度公司的投票机制、约克大主教约翰·威廉姆斯与查理一世时期的党争与宗教意识形态分歧以及长期议会的投票特征对修正派、后修正派学者的一些研究做反思,但并未就如何从宏观层面进一步推进当前研究给出十分有效的建议。著名后修正派学者、宗教史家彼得·雷克(Peter Lake)在欢迎晚宴上的交谈中对此表示失望。该讨论组宣读论文及欢迎晚宴时,本文第一作者皆在场。此事反映了当前碎片化研究前路不明的困境,但也反映了目前英美学者对宏大叙事的保留态度。比如,对长期议会投票特征的研究做了一些有益的数据统计,也在更长的视角中考察了英美议会政治自不列颠内战以降形成的一些传统特征,以期用更圆融的方式(“多数政治”,majoritarian politics)重提著名修正派学者马克·基什兰斯基(Mark Kishlansky)的“对立政治(adversary politics)出现于长期议会而不是詹姆斯一世与查理一世治下”的论点。但本文第一作者与布朗大学教授蒂姆·哈里斯不约而同地认为,该文尚有许多应当修正或加以限定之处,仅是更换一个更微妙的概念重提一种饱受质疑的修正派宏大叙事,并非理想的破局之道。关于基什兰斯基的观点,参见Mark Kishlansky,The Emergence of Adversary Politics in the Long Parliament,The Journal of Modern History,No.49,1997,pp.617-640; Mark Kishlansky,Parliamentary Selection:Social and Political Choice in Early Modern England,Cambridge:Cambridge University
