注释: ①西方学者概括性的论述参见Edwin J.van Kley,"Europe's 'Discovery' of China and the Writing of World History," The American Historical Review,vol.76,no.2(Apr.1971),pp.358-385;维吉尔·毕诺:《中国对法国哲学思想形成的影响》,耿昇译,北京:商务印书馆,2013年。中国学者的代表性研究参见吴莉苇:《当诺亚方舟遭遇伏羲神农:启蒙时代欧洲的中国上古史论争》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005年。钟鸣旦(Nicolas Standaert)之《耶稣会士的中国史与纪年著作及其所参考的中国文献》(《世界汉学》第11卷,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2013年,第55—102页)、梅谦立(Thierry Meynard)之《如何解读中国上古史:柏应理〈中华帝制历史年表〉》(《澳门理工学报》2017年第6期)、张国刚和吴莉苇之《中西文化关系史》(北京:高等教育出版社,2006年,第440—446页)等,均值得注意。 ②陈喆:《释古与疑古—19世纪西方汉学界的“古史辨”》(《史林》2015年第4期)一文对19世纪后期西人的讨论进行了论述。 ③戴密微:《法国汉学研究史》,戴仁编:《法国中国学的历史与现状》,耿昇译,上海:上海辞书出版社,2010年,第89页。 ④吴莉苇:《当诺亚方舟遭遇伏羲神农:启蒙时代欧洲的中国上古史论争》,第393页。 ⑤雅克·布罗斯:《发现中国》,耿昇译,济南:山东画报出版社,2002年,第78—79页。 ⑥有关情况参见吴莉苇《当诺亚方舟遭遇伏羲神农:启蒙时代欧洲的中国上古史论争》一书。 ⑦"Remains of M.Titsingh," The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British and Foreign India,China and Australia,vol.viii,new series,1832,p.17. ⑧"From M.Deguignes to M.Titsingh," Paris,18th February,1787,The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British and Foreign India,China and Australia,vol.viii,new series,1832,pp.18,19. ⑨"M.Titsingh to M.Deguignes," Hooghly,Bengal,12th March,1788,The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British and Foreign India,China and Australia,vol.viii,new series,1832,pp.20-21. ⑩德胜同时又说,“尽管如此,一些中国人尊为真经的古老文献,还是值得信任的”,表达了和德经不完全一致的立场。("Remarks on the Chronology of the Chinese According to the Opinions of the Japanese," The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British and Foreign India,China and Australia,vol.viii,new series,1832,p.23) (11)"Remarks on the Chronology of the Chinese According to the Opinions of the Japanese," pp.26-29. (12)小德经于1784年作为法国领事随员前往广州,后被任命为法国国王驻广州代表。1794年,他作为荷兰德胜使团的译员赴北京。其时适逢法国革命,他于1801年回到巴黎。参见Henri Cordier,"Les études chinoises sous la Révolution et l' Empire," T'oung Pao,Second Series,vol.19,no.2,1919,pp.78-86. (13)Chrétien Louis Joseph de Guignes,Voyage à Pékin,Manille et l' Ile de France,Preface,A Paris:De L' imprimerie Imperiale,p.vii,1808.西人征引此书简作Voyage a Pékin,故本文简称其《北京行纪》。 (14)Chrétien Louis Joseph de Guignes,Voyage à Pékin,Manille et l' Ile de France,p.180. (15)Chrétien Louis Joseph de Guignes,Voyage à Pékin,Manille et l' Ile de France,Preface,pp.vii-viii. (16)Chrétien Louis Joseph de Guignes,Voyage à Pékin,Manille et l' Ile de France,p.180. (17)Chrétien Louis Joseph de Guignes,Voyage à Pékin,Manille et l' Ile de France,pp.3,43,89. (18)Chrétien Louis Joseph de Guignes,Voyage à Pékin,Manille et l' Ile de France,pp.1,44,59,92-93. (19)Chrétien Louis Joseph de Guignes,Voyage à Pékin,Manille et l' Ile de France,pp.3,22-24,40. (20)西人当时一般将《尚书》书名译为《书经》(英译Shoo-king,法译Chou-king)。 (21)Chrétien Louis Joseph de Guignes,Voyage à Pékin,Manille et l' Ile de France,Preface,vi-vii. (22)George Thomas Staunton,"Preface to the Translation of the Chinese Penal Code," in Miscellaneous Notice Relating to China,the second part,London,1828,pp.21-22. (23)George Thomas Staunton,"Preface to the Translation of the Chinese Penal Code," in Miscellaneous Notice Relating to China,the second part,pp.23-24. (24)"Chinese Character," Chinese Courier and Canton Gazette,July 28th,1831. (25)"Introduction," The Chinese Repository,vol.1,1833,pp.2-3. (26)E.C.Bridgman,"Intellectual Character of the Chinese," The Chinese Repository,vol.7,1839,pp.2,7-8. (27)该书英文书名为A View of China,for Philological Purposes,Containing Sketch of Chinese Chronology,Geography,Government,Religion & Customs,Macao,1817. (28)Robert Morrison,A View of China,p.57. (29)John Davis,"Memoir Concerning the Chinese," The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British and Foreign India,China and Australia,vol.9,January 1825,pp.1-2.按:德庇时自1816年起长期居留中国,先为英国东印度公司广州商馆的大班,后为英国驻华商务监督,鸦片战争后曾任香港总督。 (30)John Davis,"Memoir Concerning the Chinese," pp.1-4. (31)John Davis.The Chinese,A General Description of the Empire of China and Its Inhabitants,London,1836,vol.I,p.168. (32)John Davis,The Chinese,A General Description of the Empire of China and Its Inhabitants,vol.I,pp.170-171,172-173. (33)Charles Gutzlaff,"Remarks on the History and Chronology of China," The Chinese Repository,vol.2,1834,pp.78-79. (34)Charles Gutzlaff,A Sketch of Chinese History,Ancient and Modern,London:Smith,Elder and Co.,1834,vol.I,pp.71-72. (35)Charles Gutzlaff,"Remarks on the History and Chronology of China," pp.78-79.郭士立在《中国简史》一书中也很怀疑洪水之前中国“会在艺文与科学方面取得如此迅速的进步”,说“中国史学家一贯急于将多个时代取得的成就全然归功于古代”。参见Charles Gutzlaff,A Sketch of Chinese History,Ancient and Modern.vol.I,pp.122,143. (36)Charles Gutzlaff,"Remarks on the History and Chronology of China," p.80. (37)Charles Gutzlaff,"Character of Chinese Historical Works," The Chinese Repository,vol.3,1835,p.58. (38)Charles Gutzlaff,A Sketch of Chinese History,Ancient and Modern,vol.I,pp.125-126. (39)Charles Gutzlaff,A Sketch of Chinese History,Ancient and Modern,vol.I,p.73. (40)Charles Gutzlaff,A Sketch of Chinese History,Ancient and Modern,vol.I,p.72. (41)Charles Gutzlaff,A Sketch of Chinese History,Ancient and Modern,vol.I,p.126. (42)Charles Gutzlaff,"The Shoo King,or Book of Records," The Chinese Repository,vol.8,1840,p.386. (43)Charles Gutzlaff,"The Shoo King,or Book of Records," p.387. (44)W.H.Medhurst,China:Its State and Prospect,London,1838,pp.5-7. (45)"Proceedings of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland," The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British India and Its Dependencies,vol.26,September 1828,p.334. (46)Abbé Grosier,De la Chine,ou Description générale de cet empire:Paris:Pillet,1818,Discourse Preliminary,xv-xvi. (47)Abbé Grosier,D ela Chine,ou Description générale de cet empire,Discours Préliminaire,xxi-xxii.格鲁贤还说,小德经在其书中认为《禹贡》描述的地理状况与尧时代的不相称,这也是暗示《禹贡》是对古埃及地理的描述,但他忽略了,在尧之前中国已经经历了多个世纪的发展,故拥有如此幅员和治水技艺。参见Abbé Grosier,Dela Chine,ou Description générale de cet empire,Discours Préliminaire,xxvii-xxviii. (48)Abbé Grosier,Dela Chine,ou Description générale de cet empire,Discours Préliminaire,xvi-xxiv. (49)格鲁贤对小德经具体观点的批评包括:小德经对中上古天文历法过于精确的质疑;对大禹治水及大洪水的否定;关于孔子的术数观念抄袭自毕达哥拉斯和以西结的观点;关于周武王迁大禹九鼎于洛阳(洛邑)及洛阳王城建造的观点;等等。格鲁贤认为他曲解史料,误解史实,得到“可悲的结论”(Abbé Grosier,De la Chine,ou Description générale de cet empire,Discours Préliminaire,xxiii-xxxvii)。 (50)Julius Klaproth,"Examen des historiens asiatiques," Mémoires Relatifs A L' Asie,Paris:Dondey-Dupré Père et Fils,1824,p.406. (51)Julius Klaproth,"A Sketch of the Early History of China," The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British India and Its Dependencies,vol.18,1824,p.557.(按:缩编这篇文章的不是克氏本人,文末署名为Y.Z.) (52)Julius Klaproth,"Examen des historiens asiatiques,"Mémoires Relatifs A L 'Asie,pp.412-413,407. (53)Julius Klaproth,"Lettre A M.L' Abbé Grosoer," Mémoires Relatifs A L' Asie,pp.414-418. (54)Julius Klaproth,"A Sketch of the Early History of China," p.557. (55)Julius Klaproth,"On Chinse History and Antiquity," The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British and Foreign India,China and Australia,vol.7,new series,1832,pp.31-36,38. (56)M.de Fortia d' Urban,Histoire dela Chine,avant le deluge d' Ogigès,Paris:Chez Xhrouet,1807.奥吉吉洪水是希腊传说中的大洪水,有发生于公元前9500年(柏拉图)和公元前2136年(Varro)两种说法。德弗尔蒂亚·杜尔班此书显然采用了古希腊语言学家瓦罗(Varro)的说法。 (57)M.de Fortia d' Urban,Histoire des tems anté-diluviens,ou antérieurs au deluge d'Yao,arrivé l 'an 2298 avant notre ère,Paris:impr.de H.Fournier & Cie,1837.该书第2卷出版于1838年,书名亦有变更。 (58)德弗尔蒂亚又在1839-1840年出版了3卷本《中国及其朝贡国概述》(Description de la Chine et des états tributaires del 'em Pèreur,Paris,L' Auteur,1839-1840),就中国地理、历史、各省概况、越南与缅甸概况,进行详细叙述。 (59)其书中有一节总结其观点,参见M.de Fortia d' Urban,Histoire anté-diluvienne dela Chine,ou Histoire de la Chine jusqu'au déluge d'Yao,l'an 2298 avant notre ère,second volume,1840,pp.433-439. (60)M.de Fortia d' Urban,Historie antè-diluvienne de la Chine,ou historie de la Chine dans les tems anterieurs a l'an 2298 avant notre ère,1838,pp.85-87. (61)Guillaume Pauthier,Chin; ou,Description historique,géographique et littéraire de ce vaste empire,d'a près des documents chinois,Paris:Firmin-Didot fréres,1853,pp.27,31.按:《中国图识》是作者自己取的中文书名,因书的后半部有100多页展现中国历史文化的图。 (62)Heinrich Kurz,"Memoire sur l'état Politique et religieux de la Chine,2300 ans avant notre ère selon le Chou-King," Nouveau Journal Asiatique ou Recueil de Mémoires,Tome V,Janvier 1830,pp.401-403. (63)Karl Neumman,"Coup d'oeil historique sur le peuple et la litterature de l' Orient," Nouveau Journal Asiatique,Tome XIV,Juillet 1834,p.50. (64) ![]() (65)休·慕瑞曾任英国皇家地理学会会员,他的代表作《地理百科全书》(Encyclopedia of Geography)曾由林则徐等加以编译,成为《四洲志》(后扩充为《海国图志》的材料)。 (66)Hugh Murray,An Historical and Descriptive Account of China,vol.I,Edinburgh:Oliver & Boyd,1836,Preface,p.6. (67)Hugh Murray,An Historical and Descriptive Account of China,vol.I,p.41. (68)Thomas Thornton,A History of China,From the Earliest Records to the Treaty with Great Britain in 1842,London:Wm.H.Allen & Co.,1844,Preface,ix. (69)Thomas Thornton,A History of China,From the Earliest Records to the Treaty with Great Britain in 1842,pp.x-xviii,12-40. (70)该碑刚刚被介绍到欧洲时,被一些学者当作上古文献,但到19世纪中叶出现质疑的意见。 (71)Joseph Hager,Monument de Yu,ou la plus ancienne Inscription de la Chine,Paris:l'Imprimerie de Pierre Didot L'Aine,1802,pp.1-2. (72)"The Monument of Yu,or Most Ancient Inscription of China," The Critical Review or Annals of Literature,vol.35,1802,pp.287-292. (73)Abel Rémusat,Mélangesasi atiques,ou Choix de morceaux critiques et de Mémoires,Tome second,Paris:Dondey-Dupré Père et fils,1826,pp.272-273. (74)笔者只见到毕鸥在《中国古代史的思考》中认为该碑的年代无法确定,故其不能被当作古老的文献,参见 ![]() (75)Chrétien Louis Joseph de Guignes,Voyage à Pékin,Manille et l' Ile de France,pp.3,5,11-12,23. (76)Chrétien Louis Joseph de Guignes,Voyage à Pékin,Manille et l' Ile de France,Preface,viii;p.28. (77)Chrétien Louis Joseph de Guignes,Voyage à Pékin,Manille et l' Ile de France,pp.29,44. (78)M.de Fortia d'Urban,Historie antè-diluvienne de la Chine,ou historie de la Chine dans les tems anterieurs a l'an 2298 avant notre ère,premier volume,1840,pp.373-374. (79)M.de Fortia d'Urban,Historie anté-deluvienne de la Chine,ou historie de la Chine dans les tems anterieurs a l 'an 2298 avant notre ère,Paris:Impr.de H.Fournier & Cie,1837,p.39. (80)他未翻译《尚书》,而是选择用宋君荣的译本,但加了一些注释。参见Guillaume Pauthier,Les livres sacrés de l'Orient,Paris:Firmin Didot frères,1840. (81)Abbé Grosier,De la Chine,ou Description générale de cet empire,Discourse Préliminaire,xvii-xviii. (82)Charles Gutzlaff,"The Shoo King,or Book of Records," pp.392,395-396. (83)Charles Gutzlaff,"The Shoo King,or Book of Records," p.386. (84)Walter Henry Medhurst trans.,Ancient China,The Shoo King,or the Historical Classic,Being the Most Ancient Authentic Record of the Annals of the Chinese Empire(以下简作The Shoo King),Shanghai,1846,Preface,iv. (85)麦都思根据《尧典》之“日中星鸟,以殷仲春”句,认为如果春分日没时所观察之南中星为星鸟(Cor Hydra),则其日正午时分之南中星必定为位于金牛宫之星昴(Pleiades),该星在1800年时,距春分点 ![]() ![]() ![]() (86)“岁差”为天文学名词,指回归年与恒星年的时间差。按此处应是指晋代虞喜关于“岁差”的发现(实为330年前后)和隋代刘焯对“岁差”差率的订正。参见陈遵妫:《中国天文学史》(中),上海:上海人民出版社,2006年,第591—594页。 (87)Walter Henry Medhurst trans.,The Shoo King,Preface,iv-vi. (88)Walter Henry Medhurst trans.,The Shoo King,Preface,vi-vii,vii麦都思在本书中还讨论关于中国天文学的其他问题,但他对另一个在西人中引起诸多争议的仲康日食问题未加以专论。 (89)W.H.Medhurst,"China:Its State and Prospect," p.11. (90)这一点需另文专论,这里不赘述。 (91)M.de Fortia d' Urban,Histoire dela Chine,avant le déluge d' Ogigès,1807,premiere partie,pp.8-9. (92)如德弗尔蒂亚的《大洪水前中国史,或公元前2298年尧时代洪水前中国史》第1卷用大部分篇幅叙述中国史学传统,以汉代学术为重点。 (93)Joseph-Anne-Marie de Moyriac Joseph de Mailla,Histoire générale de la Chine:ou Annales de cet empire,Paris:Ph.D.Pierres,Clousier,tome premier,1777,"Discours Préliminaire" par Abbé Jean Baptiste Grosier,xxi-xxii,xxxii-xxxiii. (94)Joseph-Anne-Marie de Moyriac Joseph de Mailla,Histoire générale de la Chine:ou Annales de cet empire,Preface,iii-v. (95)M.de Fortia d' Urban,Historie anté-diluvienne de la Chine,ou Historie de la Chine dans les tems antérieurs a l'an 2298 avant notre ère,1838,préface par Adolphe Aubenas,xii; pp.104-105. (96)Hugh Murray,An Historical and Descriptive Account of China,vol.I,1836,pp.33-34. (97)E.C.Bridgman,"Historical and Descriptive of China," The Chinese Repository,vol.5,1836,pp.199-201. (98)E.C.Bridgman,"Historical and Descriptive of China," 1836,pp.194-198.裨治文在读到该书的第2、3卷后,他在次年再次发表书评,指出慕瑞在选择权威参考书作为指引时,偏好那些写作年代久远的作品,以致出版了一部荒诞离奇之作。(E.C.Bridgman,"Historical and Descriptive Account of China," The Chinese Repository,vol.6,p.59) (99)Charles Gutzlaff,"Remarks on the History and Chronology of China," pp.74-75,75. (100)Charles Gutzlaff,"Character of Chinese Historical Works," p.54. (101)吴莉苇:《当诺亚方舟遭遇伏羲神农:启蒙时代欧洲的中国上古史论争》,第422—423页。 (102)Charles Gutzlaff,A Sketch of Chinese History,Ancient and Modern,vol.I,p.71. (103)Charles Gutzlaff,"Remarks on the History and Chronology of China," pp.77,78. (104)E.C.Bridgman,"Chronology of the Chinese," The Chinese Repository,vol.10,pp.121-159. (105)T.Y.,"To the Editor of the Asiatic Journal," The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British India and Its Dependencies,vol.8,1819,pp.114-119. (106)M.de Fortia d' Urban,Histoire de la Chine,avant le déluge d' Ogigès,Paris:chez Xhrouet,1807,premiere partie,pp.1-3. (107)M.de Fortia d' Urban,Historie antè-diluvienne de la Chine,ou Historie de la Chine dans les tems anterieurs a l'an 2295 avant notre ère,1838,préface par Adolphe Aubenas,iv-viii.他还说,摩西不能写关于整个人类的普遍史,因为他“不知道”,他也没想过要写,因为他当时在阿拉伯沙漠中面对的犹太人“不需要知道这些”。 (108)M.de Fortia d' Urban,Historie antè-diluvienne de la Chine,ou historie de la Chine dans les tems anterieurs a l'an 2298 avant notre ère,1840,second volume,pp.339,339-340. (109)Guillaume Pauthier,Chine; ou,Description historique:géographique et littéraire de ce vaste empire,d 'a près des documents chinois,p.26. (110)Guillaume Pauthier,Les livres sacrés de l' Orient,Paris:Société du Pantheon littéraire,introduction vii. (111)Guillaume Pauthier,Les livres sacrés de l' Orient,introduction viii. (112)Julius Klaproth,"An Essay on the Authority of the Asiatic Historians," The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British India and Its Dependencies,vol.16,1823,p.433. (113)Samuel Kidd,China,or,Illustrations of the Symbols,Philosophy,Antiquities,Customs,Superstitions,Laws,Government,Education,and Literature of the Chinese,London:Printed for Taylor & Walton,1841,pp.99-133.吉德自1824年起在马六甲华人社区传教多年,1837年起任伦敦大学学院中文教授。 (114)Samuel Wells Williams,The Middle Kingdom,vol.II,New York and London:Wiley and Putnam,1848,pp.193-194. (115)爱汉者纂,黄时鉴整理:《东西洋考每月统记传》,道光十三年六月,北京:中华书局,1997年,第4页。 (116)爱汉者纂,黄时鉴整理:《东西洋考每月统记传》,道光十四年五月,第124页。 (117)爱汉者纂,黄时鉴整理:《东西洋考每月统记传》,道光十三年六月,第6页。 (责任编辑:admin) |