(115)Harvey C.Mansfield,"Self-Interest Rightly Understood," Political Theory,vol.23,no.1(Feb.1995),pp.50-51. (116)艾伯特·奥·赫希曼:《欲望与利益:资本主义走向胜利前的政治争论》,第66—70、3页。 (117)亚当·斯密:《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》(下卷),郭大力、王亚南译,北京:商务印书馆,2011年,第24—27页。 (118)Mathew Carey,Debates and Proceedings of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania:On the Memorials Praying a Repeal or Suspension of the Law Annulling the Charter of the Bank,Philadelphia,1786,p.73,http://infoweb.newsbank.com/; Gordon S.Wood,The Radicalism of the American Revolution,p.257. (119)Gordon S.Wood,The Radicalism of the American Revolution,p.296. (120)Gordon S.Wood,Empire of Liberty:A History of the Early Republic,1789-1815,pp.12-13; Joyce Appleby,Capitalism and a New Social Order:The Republican Vision of the 1790s,New York:New York University Press,1984,pp.14-15. (121)相关论著包括Gordon S.Wood,The Creation of the American Republic,1776-1787; Gordon S.Wood,The Radicalism of the American Revolution; J.G.A.Pocock,The Machiavellian Moment:Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition; Lance Banning,"Some Second Thoughts on Virtue and the Course of Revolutionary Thinking," in Terence Ball and J.G.A.Pocock,eds.,Conceptual Change and the Constitution,Lawrence:University Press of Kansas,1988,pp.194-212; Lance Banning,The Jeffersonian Persuasion:Evolution of a Party Ideology,Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1978; Joyce Appleby,"Republicanism in Old and New Contexts," pp.20-34; Joyce Appleby,"The American Heritage:The Heirs and the Disinherited," pp.798-813; Joyce Appleby,"Republicanism and Ideology," American Quarterly,vol.37,no.4(Autumn 1985),pp.461-473; Joyce Appleby,Capitalism and a New Social Order:The Republican Vision of the 1790s; Robert E.Shalhope,"Republicanism and Early American Historiography," The William and Mary Quarterly,vol.39,no.2(Apr.1982),pp.334-356; Daniel T.Rodgers,"Republicanism:The Career of a Concept," The Journal of American History,vol.79,no.1(Jun.1992),pp.11-38. (122)Joyce Appleby,"The American Heritage:The Heirs and the Disinherited," p.802. (责任编辑:刘晓东)
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