⑤Marc Hillel,L’Occupation en Allemagne:1945-1948,Paris:Balland,1983; F.Roy Willis,The French in Germany 1945-1949,Stanford:Stanford University Press,1962; Alfred Grosser,L’Allemagne denotre Temps,Paris:Fayard,1970. ⑥>>Law No.2:Providing for the Termination and Liquidation of the Nazi Organization(10/10/1945)<<,Enactment and Approved Papers of the Control Council and Coordinating Committee 1945,Vol.1,Compiled by Legal division,legal advice branch,drafting section office of military government for Germany,1945,p.131. ⑦>>Declaration Regarding the Defeat of Germany<<,Enactment and Approved Papers of the Control Council and Coordinating Committee 1945,Vol.1,p.10. ⑧F.Roy Willis,The French in Germany,pp.71-73. ⑨“Table B Political Officers and Civil Servants who should be Dismissed or Suspended”,Handbook for military government in Germany,Washington D.C.1944 December,Part Ⅲ,The Army Library. ⑩Y 1944-1949/433,Document N° 1:Gouvernement provisoire de la république :Directives pournotre action en Allemagne,20 juillet 1945,Archives du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. (11)Perry Biddiscombe,The Denazification of Germany:A History 1945-1950,p.163. (12)同上。 (13)Michael Balfour,Four-Power Control in Germany and Austria,1945-1946,p.229. (14)F.Roy Willis,The French in Germany 1945-1949,p.148. (15)Marc Hillel,L’Occupation en Allemagne:1945-1948,p.240. (16)Frederick Tayor,Exorcising Hitler:The Occupation and Denazification of Germany,p.317. (17)Alfred Grosser,L’Allemagne de notre Temps,p.35. (18)同注(13),p.176. (19)Perry Biddiscombe,The Denazification of Germany:A History 1945-1950,p.158. (20)同上,p.159. (21)Rainer Mhler,Entnazifizierung in Rheinland-Pfalz und im Saarland unter franzsischer Besatzung von 1945bis 1952,Leipzig:Hase & Koehler,1992,S.53. (22)同注(17)。 (23)Déclaration du Général Koenig,1946,参见Cyril Buffet,Mourir pour Berlin,la France et l’Allemagne,1945-1949,Paris:Cyril Buffet Armand Colin,1991,p.20. (24)Alfred Grosser,L’Allemagne de notre Temps,p.67-68. (25)美占区要求所有担任公职的德国人填写个人问题调查表,交代在希特勒执政时期的政治表现,然后依据调查结果决定是否将被调查者清除出公共机构。英占区采用司法程序进行调查,程序更为复杂。参见Michael Balfour,Four-Power Control in Germany and Austria,1945-1946,p.174. (26)Perry Biddiscombe,The Denazification of Germany:A History 1945-1950,p.166. (27)Michael Balfour,Four-Power Control in Germany and Austria,1945-1946,p.174. (28)John Gimbel,The American Occupation of Germany,Stanford:Stanford University Press,1968,p.102. (29)Jill Jones,Eradicating Nazism from the British Zone of Germany:Early Policy and Practice,Germany History,Vol.8,No.2,1990,p.148. (30)Laffont to Directors General and Directors(CAB/C No.722),19 September 1945,Records of U.S.Occupation Headquarters,World War II,record group 260.4.5 Records of the Civil Administration Division,Public Safety Branch:Law for Liberation from National Socialism & Militarism 1945-1949,National Archives(NA). (31)Perry Biddiscombe,The Denazification of Germany:A History 1945-1950,p.167.
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