[16] Bennett, H.,“The Other Side of the COIN: Minimum and Exemplary Force in British Army Counterinsurgency in Kenya”,Small wars & insurgencies,vol.18,number4, 2007,pp.648-649. [17] Cohen to all Governors in Africa,Secret dispatch,15 March 1948, British National Archives CO537/2686. [18] Colonial Political Intelligence summaries1948,Minutes, British National Archives CO537/2760. [19] Gurney to Arthur Creech-Jones,30May1949, British National Archives,DEFE 11/33. [20] CAB128/13,CM50(48)3, 13 July 1948,’Malaya’: Cabinet conclusions on British response to disturbances, in Hyam,Ronald ,edit., The Labour Government and the End of Empire,1945-1951, 第265号文件;CAB129/71,C(54)329(annex), 3 Nov1954, ‘Defence policy’: report for Cabinet by Lord Swinton,in Goldsworthy ,David,edit.,The Conservative Government and the End of Empire,1951-1957,第15号文件。 [21] Colonial Political Intelligence Summaries 1948,Minutes, British National Archives CO537/2677. [22] CO554/254, 9Feb1953 [Gold Coast constitution]:minutes by Sir C Jeffries and Mr Lyttelton, in Goldsworthy,David,edit.,The Conservative Government and the End of Empire,1951-1957,第267号文件。 [23] CO537/6960,25 Apr 1952[Position of colonial police]:minute by Sir C Jeffries, in Goldsworthy,David,edit.,The Conservative Government and the End of Empire,1951-1957, 第244号文件。 [24] CO537/6960,no4 22Apr1953[Position of police in later stages of colonial constitutional development]:report of a CO working party, Goldsworthy ,David, edit, British Documents on the End of Empire:The Conservative Government and the End of Empire,1951-1957,第247号文件。也见CO1037/2,no19 5Nov1954[Position of colonial police]:minute by I B Watt of a CO interdepartmental meeting with the Home Office, in Goldsworthy,David ,edit.,British Documents on the End of Empire:The Conservative Government and the End of Empire, 1951-1957,第250号文件。 [25] Sir R.Saloway, ‘The New Gold Coast’, International Affairs,(Oct.1955),p.469. [26] Macleod to Watkinson,12 Jan,1961;A.D.Peck to Gough, 12 Jan,1961,British National Archives CO822/2892. [27]CAB 128/38,CM1(63)5, 22Oct1963,[Kenya independence conference settlement]:Cabinet conclusions, in Hyam ,Ronald, and Louis,Wm Roger ,eds., British Documents on the End of Empire:The Conservative government and the End of Empire, 1957-1964,London : HMSO, 2000,第179号文件。 [28] David Anderson, Histories of the Hanged: The Dirty War in Kenya and the End of Empire, New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2005, p.85. [29] Foran ,William Robert,The Kenya Police1887-1960,London:Tobert Hale,1962,p.136. [30] CAB 134/1558,CPC(59)6 ,29 June 1959,‘Security powers of colonial governs’: Cabinet Colonial Policy Committee memorandum by Mr Lennox-Boyd,in Hyam ,Ronald,and Louis,Wm Roger ,eds.,British Documents on the End of Empire:The Conservative government and the End of Empire, 1957-1964, London : HMSO, 2000,第23号文件。 (责任编辑:admin) |