人类学理论实践学术论点摘编 ——《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 (2016年) 2016年《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》人类学理论实践方面的研究主要有:《水井与自来水...
The Multicultural Identity Integration Scale (MULTIIS): Developing a Comprehensive Measure for Configuring One's Multiple Cultural Identities Within the Self 多元文化认同一体化度量(MULTIIS):开发一个全面的自我多元文...
Becoming cosmopolitan? Hybridity and intercultural encounters amongst 1.5 generation Chinese migrants in New Zealand 成为全球的?在新西兰1.5代中国移民的混合和跨文化碰撞 Abstract: The 1.5 generation migrants are often...
Influences on state-society relations in France: Analysing voluntary associations and multicultural dynamism, co-option and retrenchment in Paris, Lyon and Marseille 对法国国家--社会关系的影响:分析社团和多元文化的活力...
"It's okay to be racist': moral disengagement in online discussions of racist incidents in Australia “成为种族主义者?没关系”:澳大利亚在线讨论种族主义事件中的道德堕落 Abstract: Racist views expressed on...
National and Ethnic Identity in the Face of Discrimination: Ethnic Minority and Majority Perspectives 面对歧视时的国家和族裔认同:少数族裔和多数族裔的观点 Abstract: Does the United States afford people of different...
Ethnic and immigrant politics vs. mainstream politics: the role of ethnic organizations in shaping the political participation of immigrant-origin individuals in Europe 族群、移民政治与主流政治:欧洲的族群组织在移民个人...
Construction and reification in nation building: The case of Yugoslavia fully explained? 国家建构中的和创建和物化:南斯拉夫的案例被充分解释了吗? Abstract: The study of nations and ethnicities has been subject to...
The Dynamics of Interminority Extended Contact: The Role of Affective and Cognitive Mediators 少数民族间扩展接触的活力:情感因素和认知因素的角色 Objective: Research on intergroup contact and prejudice reduction has...
2016年壮族民族文化研究主要有以下几个方面: 一是民歌研究:《壮族八宝歌书及其图符构造、表意方式》(李锦芳、黄舒娜、林远高,中央民族大学学报-哲学社会科学版,2016年第6期...
Low Ethnic Identity Exploration Undermines Positive Interethnic Relations: A Study among Turkish Immigrant-Origin Youth 较低的族群认同破坏了积极的族群间关系:来自土耳其青年移民的研究 Abstract: This longitudina...
Resource Transfers and Human Life-History Evolution 资源转移与人类生命史的进化 Abstract: Formal models of life-history evolution have been used to illuminate both the peculiarities of the human life cycle and its commonalities...
Waste and Waste Management 废弃物和废弃物管理 Abstract: Discard studies have demonstrated that waste is more than just a symptom of an all-too-human demand for meaning or a merely technical problem for sanitary engineers and public...
Feelings About Culture Scales: Development, Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity 对文化度量的感觉:开发、因素结构、可信度与有效度 Abstract: Although measures of cultural identity, values, and behavior exist in...
Entitlement and belonging: social restructuring and multicultural Britain 福利与归属:社会转型与多元文化的英国 Abstract: In May, two flagship measures of the current Conservative UK government, the Housing and Planning Act...
摘要: 过往关于藏族建筑研究很少涉及藏民日常生活使用的屋内空间所展示的社会动态。本文即从藏族家屋内火塘边的社会动态来呈现藏族的亲属与性别关系。 关键词: 五境通珠、家...
摘要: 北宋签澶渊之盟后,防御与议和成为对外关系的主轴。本文真宗至神宗时期的言论和著作,指出此一转变是文官酝酿的结果,以恢复故土来合理化自己的诉求,显示汉唐的典籍对...
Anthropology of Aging and Care 衰老与护理人类学 Abstract: In concert with lengthening life spans, emerging forms of care in later life reflect complex and diverse social changes. Embracing a polysemic understanding of care as simult...
The inversion of accountability 责任倒置 Abstract: In this wide-ranging survey of recent UK government pronouncements, policies and new legislation relating particularly - but not limited - to security', migration and refugee issues, th...