六、余论 研究大清河南系变迁的历史过程,可以了解水系本身的演变。但在笔者看来,更重要的是,大清河南系是当前“华北之肾”白洋淀湖群最重要的水源,这一研究将有助于理解该区湖泊湿地的消长,并分析河湖间的相互关系。当然,白洋淀乃“天壤之奥区”[51],至今连白洋淀的成因学界也存在不少争论。白洋淀在北宋兴塘泺时仍只是数十个淀泊中极为平常的一个[52],其名声鹊起始于明代中叶:明代弘治(1488-1515年)以前,此处长期为牧马之地,“其地可耕”[53],但在弘治以后突然演变成方圆六十里的大湖。而且,白洋淀湖群由众多大小湖淀组成,其主要湖泊位置历史时期常有变动,且并非简单的扩展与萎缩。这些疑难问题,都有待详细探究和论证。正因为此,首先锁定湖淀最重要的补给来源的大河,对其演变加以深入研究尤显必要。本文在前人的基础上,对此做了丰富和充实,虽然受史料研究方法的限制,存在诸多不足之处,但拙文是为抛砖引玉,希望引起同行们对这一议题的更多关注。 A Study on Migration of the Southern Branches of the DaqingheRiver in Historical Periods: And on Its Relationship with the Evolution of the Baiyangdian Lake Shi Chaoyi (School of Social and Public Administration, of ECUST, Shanghai,200237) Abstract: The Daqinghe River was in general not as muddy as the Hutuohe River to its south orthe Yongdinghe River to its north. However, with the intensification of soil losses at the upper rea-ches, the southern branches of the Daqinghe River saw higher and higher sediment concentration andits mainstream frequent migration. An in-depth analysis has been carried out about the water systemevolution as a result of natural factors and human activities, which leads to a clear description of watersystem evolution of the southern branches of the Daqinghe River and a list of the major characteristicsof its migration of river channels. The southern branches of Daqinghe River are the most importantwater source of the Baiyangdian Lake, which is of great significance to the Haihe River basin. Thus,These findings are considered to be vital to the study on the evolution of the Baiyangdian Lake. Key words: historical periods; southern branches of the Daqinghe River; migration of river channels; the Baiyangdian Lake; relationship between rivers and lakes. 注释: [1]光绪《畿辅通志》卷79,《河渠略·水道五》。 [2]谭其骧:《海河水系的形成与发展》,《历史地理》第4辑,(上海)上海人民出版社,1986年。 [3]张修桂:《海河流域平原水系演变的历史过程》,《历史地理》第11辑,(上海)上海人民出版社,1993年。 [4]邹逸麟:《历史时期华北大平原湖沼变迁述略》,《历史地理》第5辑, (上海)上海人民出版社,1987年。 [5]光绪《畿辅通志》卷79,《河渠五·水道五》。 [6]光绪《畿辅通志》卷79,《河渠五·水道五》。 [7] 《山海经》卷3,《北山经》。 [8]杨守敬、熊会贞:《水经注疏》卷11,《滱水》,(南京)江苏古籍出版社,1999年,第1045页。 [9] 《旧唐书》卷120,《列传第七十·郭子仪传》。 [10] 《禹贡锥指》卷2,《冀州》。 [11] 《山海经》卷3,《北山经》。
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