参考文献: [1]严文明:《论中国的铜石并用时代》,《史前研究》,1984,1期。 [2]中国科学院考古研究所山西工作队:《晋南二里头文化遗址的调查与试掘》,《考古》,1980,3期。 [3]山西省文管会侯马工作站:《侯马北西庄东周遗址的清理》,《文物》,1959,6期。 [4]山西省文管会:《山西平陆枣园村壁画汉墓》,《考古》,1959,9期。 [5]张经元主编:《分布》,《山西土壤》(第1篇,第3章,第2节),科学出版社,1992年。 [6]张经元主编:《分布》,《山西土壤》(第l篇,第3章,第2节),科学出版社,1992年。 [7]农业出版社编辑部:《中国农谚》(上、下册),农业出版社,1986。 Analysis on the Origin and Characteristics of Traditional Farming Ploughs in Shanxi Province Hu Zexue (China Agricultural Museum, Beijing 100125) Abstract: Shanxi, with the unique geographic location, has a long history of agricultural civilization. Affected by the local society, history, geography and folk customs, there were many styles of traditional farming ploughs, adapting to different circumstances in different regions of Shanxi. In the big family of Chinese traditional farming ploughs, Shanxi plough has its own distinct characteristics which have greatly enriched the contents of Chinese farm ing culture. Key Words: Shanxi, Farming Plough, Characteristic, Origin
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