(49)"Minutes of Council,1833," in Edmund Henry Oliver,ed.,The Canadian North-West:Its Early Development and Legislative Records,vol.Ⅱ,Ottawa:Government Printing Bureau,1914,p.704. (50)哈德逊湾公司在1670年成立之时,获得了英王授予的所有流入哈德逊湾的河流所流经土地的商业和殖民权力,因公司的首任总督是鲁伯特王子,故这片土地又被称为鲁伯特地区。 (51)Frederick Merk,ed.,Fur Trade and Empire:George Simpson's Journal,1824-1825,Cambridge:The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,1968,p.204. (52)Alaskan Boundary Tribunal,Proceedings of the Alaskan Boundary Tribunal,Convened at London,Under the Treaty between the United States of America and Great Britain,Concluded at Washington,January 24,1903,Washington,D.C.:Government Printing House,1903,p.10. (53)Theodore J.Karamanski,Fur Trade and Exploration:Opening the Far Northwest 1821-1852,Norman:University of Oklahoma Press,1983,p.36. (54)Augustus Granville Stapleton,The Political Life of the Right Honourable George Canning,vol.Ⅲ,London:Printed for Longman,Rees,Orme,Brown,and Green,1831,pp.121-125. (55)Theodore J.Karamanski,Fur Trade and Exploration:Opening the Far Northwest 1821-1852,pp.42-51. (56)James R.Gibson,Otter Skins,Boston Ships,and China Goods:The Maritime Fur Trade of the Northwest Coast,1785-1841,p.62. (57)Richard Somerset Mackie,Trading Beyond the Mountains:The British Fur Trade on the Pacific 1793-1843,p.131. (58)Richard Somerset Mackie,Trading Beyond the Mountains:The British Fur Trade on the Pacific 1793-1843,p.139. (59)Clarence A.Vandiveer,The Fur Trade and Early Western Exploration,Cleveland:Arthur H.Clark Company,1929,pp.200-203. (60)传统上毛皮贸易一般是白人毛皮商人用商品从印第安人猎手那里交换毛皮,而威廉·阿什利则完全抛开印第安人猎手,雇佣白人猎手到西部山区狩猎毛皮,然后公司定期派遣商队进山到约定的地点同前者交换,落基山区的毛皮集会成为西部每年的一个盛事。具体情况参见David J.Wishart,The Fur Trade of the American West 1807-1840:A Geographical Synthesis,Lincoln:University of Nebraska Press,1979,pp.121-127; Hiram Martin Chittenden,The American Fur Trade of the Far West,vol.I,pp.264-281. (61)John Dunn,History of the Oregon Territory and British North American Fur Trade,London:Edwards and Hughes,1844,p.142. (62)Eric Jay Dolin,Fur,Fortune,and Empire:The Epic History of the Fur Trade in America,New York:W.W.Norton & Company,2010,p.285. (63)Alexander Ross,The Fur Hunters of the Far West:A Narrative of Adventures in the Oregon and Rocky Mountains,vol.Ⅱ,London:Smith,Elder & Co.,1855,p.6. (64)Frederick Merk,ed.,Fur Trade and Empire:George Simpson's Journal,1824-1825,p.46. (65)Frederick Merk,The Oregon Question:Essays in Anglo-American Diplomacy and Politics,pp.97-98. (66)John S.Galbraith,The Hudson's Bay Company:As an Imperial Factor 1821-1869,Berkeley and Los Angles:University of California Press,1957,p.95. (67)John S.Galbraith,"A Note on the British Fur Trade in California,1821-1846," Pacific Historical Review,vol.24,no.3(Aug.1955),pp.258-260. (68)John Forsyth and William A.Slacum,"Slacum's Report on Oregon,1836-1837," The Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society,vol.13,no.2(Jun.1912),p.189. (69)John McLoughlin,"A Narrative of Events in Early Oregon Ascribed to Dr.John McLoughlin," The Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society,vol.1,no.2(Jun.1900),p.193. (70)Richard G.Beidleman,"Nathaniel Wyeth's Fort Hall," Oregon Historical Quarterly,vol.58,no.3(Sep.1957),p.250. (71)Richard Somerset Mackie,Trading Beyond the Mountains:The British Fur Trade on the Pacific 1793-1843,p.252. (72)John McLoughlin,"A Narrative of Events in Early Oregon Ascribed to Dr.John McLoughlin," p.195. (73)John B.Wyeth,Oregon; or a Short History of a Long Journey from the Atlantic Ocean to the Region of the Pacific,Cambridge:Printed for John B.Wyeth,1833,p.10; John McLoughlin,"A Narrative of Events in Early Oregon Ascribed to Dr.John McLoughlin," p.194.
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