(73)Erie Leichty,The Royal Inscriptions of Esarhaddon,King of Assyria(680-669 BC),1:i 45-i 47. (74)L.Kataja and R.M.Whiting,Grants,Decrees and Gifts of the Neo-Assyrian Period,19:27-r.5. (75)供品是古代两河流域定期向神灵奉献的供品之一,主要是各类食品和牲畜,亚述帝国时期主要由行省轮流提供。(Salvatore Gaspa,"Meat Offerings and Their Preparation in the State Cult of the Assyrian Empire," Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies,vol.75,no.2,2012,pp.249-273) (76)L.Kataja and R.M.Whiting,Grants,Decrees and Gifts of the Neo-Assyrian Period,24:r.5-11e. (77)J.N.Postgate,"Itu',Utu',Itu'āju," in Dietz Otto Edzard,ed.,Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen ,Fünfter Band,Berlin and New York:Walter de Gruyter,1976-1980,pp.221-222. (78)D.D.Luckenbill,Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia,vol.1,Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1926,782,788; D.D.Luckenbill,Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia,vol.2,Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1927,99. (79)J.N.Postgate,"The Assyrian Army in Zamua," Iraq,vol.62,2000,p.101. (80)是亚述公民义务兵的统称,主要由行省中履行ilku义务的人员构成。(J.N.Postgate,Taxation and Conscription in the Assyrian Empire,pp.219-223) (81)Giovanni B.Lanfranchi and Simo Parpola,The Correspondence of Sargon II,Part II:Letters from the Northern and Northeastern Provinces,Helsinki:Helsinki University Press,1990,3:r.10-r.20. (82)一些学者称之为“雇佣军”。(Georges Roux,Ancient Iraq,p.307) (83)Giovanni B.Lanfranchi and Simo Parpola,The Correspondence of Sargon II,Part II:Letters from the Northern and Northeastern Provinces,16:4-7. (84)在亚述浮雕上,伊图士兵一般手握弓箭。(Davide Nadali,"The Representation of Foreign Soldiers and Their Employment in the Assyrian Army," in W.H.van Soldt,R.Kalvelagen and D.Katz,eds.,Ethnicity in Ancient Mesopotamia,Leiden:Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten,2005,pp.223-230) (85)J.N.Postgate,"The Assyrian Army in Zamua," p.103. (86)Barbara Parker,"Administrative Tablets from the North-West Palace,Nimrud," Iraq,vol.23,no.1,1961,ND 2646:1-2. (87)国洪更:《亚述帝国的“拉科苏”士兵探析》,《世界历史》2012年第1期。 (88)Andreas Fuchs and Simo Parpola,eds.,The Correspondence of Sargon II,Part III:Letters from Babylonian and the Eastern Provinces,Helsinki:Helsinki University Press,2001,15:3-6. (89)本义为“清洁、使干净”,引申为“使自由、释放、豁免(赋役)”等,参见A.Leo Oppenheim et al.,eds.,The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago,vol.Z,Chicago:The Oriental Institute,1961,p.31. (90)A.Leo Oppenheim et al.,eds.,The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago,vol.Z,p.22. (91)Andreas Fuchs and Simo Parpola,The Correspondence of Sargon II,Part III:Letters from Babylonian and the Eastern Provinces,136:1-5. (92)Mikko Luukko and Greta van Buylaere,The Political Correspondence of Esarhaddon,120:6-10. (93)Giovanni B.Lanfranchi and Simo Parpola,The Correspondence of Sargon II,Part II:Letters from the Northern and Northeastern Provinces,215:21-r.2. (94)Simo Parpola and Kazuko Watanabe,eds.,Neo-Assyrian Treaties and Loyalty Oaths,8:7. (95)J.E.Reade,"Assyrian Eponyms,Kings and Pretenders,648-605 BC," Orientalia,vol.67,no.1,1998,p.262. (96)Grant Frame,The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia:Babylonian Periods,Volume 2:Rulers of Babylonia from the Second Dynasty of Isin to the End of Assyrian Domination(1157-612 BC),B.6.32.1:11-12.
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