(33)Jesse Lemisch,"The American Revolution Seen from the Bottom Up," in Barton J.Bernstein,ed.,Towards a New Past:Dissenting Essays in American History,New York:Vintage Books,1969,pp.3-45. (34)Vickers,Review of Jack Tar vs.John Bull,The William and Mary Quarterly,p.462. (35)Richard B.Morris,"'We the People of the United States':The Bicentennial of a People's Revolution," The American Historical Review,Vol.82,No.1(Feb.,1977),pp.1-19. (36)Young,The Shoemaker and the Tea Party,p.x. (37)Foner,Labor and the American Revolution,p.33. (38)Dirk Hoerder,Crowd Action in Revolutionary Massachusetts,1765-1780,New York:Academic Press,1977.此书的前身是霍尔德尔1971年在柏林自由大学完成的博士论文“People and Mobs:Crowd Action in Massachusetts During the American Revolution,1765-1780”。由于他的研究主要是在美国完成的,自称得到了贝林和扬的帮助,其书又在美国出版,故可当做美国的革命史学对待。 (39)Hoerder,Crowd Action in Revolutionary Massachusetts,pp.1-5,xii,23,375-377; L.Kinvin Wroth,Review of Crowd Action in Revolutionary Massachusetts,1765-1780 by Dirk Hoerder,The William and Mary Quarterly,Third Series,Vol.37,No.2(Apr.,1980),pp.322-324. (40)Waynee Lee,Crowds and Soldiers in Revolutionary North Carolina:The Culture of Violence in Riot and War,Gainesville:University Press of Florida,2001. (41)Alfred F.Young,Gary B.Nash,and Ray Raphaer,eds.,Revolutionary Founders:Rebels,Radicals,and Reformers in the Making of the Nation,New York:Alfred A.Knopf,2011,pp.215-230,249,233-250. (42)Gary B.Nash,The Urban Crucible:Social Changes,Political Consciousness,and the Origins of the American Revolution,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1979; Terry Bouton,Taming Democracy:"The People," the Founders,and the Troubled Ending of the American Revolution,New York:Oxford University Press,2007. (43)Lemisch,"The American Revolution Seen from the Bottom Up," in Bernstein,ed.,Toward a New Past,pp.16-19,22-26. (44)Jesse Lemisch,Jack Tar vs.John Bull:The Role of New York's Seamen in Precipitating the Revolution,New York:Garland Publishing Inc.,1997.这本书是莱米什1962年在耶鲁完成的博士论文,只有一小部分曾公开发表过,但影响甚大,有“地下经典”(underground classic)之称。在美国学术界,一般的博士论文在几十年后很难说还有多大的价值,但是莱米什的博士论文却是一个例外。See Vickers,Review of Jack Tar us.John Bull,The William and Mary Quarterly,pp 461-463. (45)Lemisch,Jack Tar vs.John Bull,pp.xviii,154-155; Jesse Lemisch,"Jack Tar in the Streets:Merchant Seamen in the Politics of Revolutionary America," The William and Mary Quarterly,Third Series,Vol.25,No.3(Jul.,1968),p.397. (46)Lemisch,"Jack Tar in the Streets," The William and Mary Quarterly,pp.401,407. (47)Breen,American Insurgents,American Patriots,pp.17,52,124,152,164,174,185,241,242,274,299,300. (48)Young,Nash,and Raphael,eds.,The Revolutionary Founders,pp.50-51. (49)Gary B.Nash,The Unknown American Revolution:The Unruly Birth of Democracy and the Struggle to Create America,New York:Viking,2005,pp.96,112-113,189-199,264-305. (50)Countryman,A People in Revolution,pp.36-37.
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